The FCBS Newsletter

In 1978, the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies embarked on its first print publication, the large format, full color Grande. James Elmore was its first editor, leading a group of dedicated and creative people to produce this magazine. For many of us, the names are a walk down Memory Lane; they also invoke the pioneers of our Florida Bromeliad Community:
James Elmore    Bud Martin
Bob Puterbaugh    Ralph Quilhot
Ellen Jay Peyton    Thomas Crocker
Bill Radford    Murline Lydon
Jody Speer    Helen Wright
Prentice Bond    Daris Cathcart
Herb Hill    Bunny Hendrix
Carol Johnson    Norman Pettigrew
Tracy Jones    Vicky Chirnside
John C. Ruth II

Other people, notable in their day and even more notable today, contributed articles, photographs and commentary, as well: Maureen Frazel, Harry Luther, H. Alton Lee, Nat DeLeon, Peggy Rowe, Bert Foster, Dennis Cathcart, Robert B. Marlatt.

In addition to its wonderful photographs, the editors did not hesitate to take on issues of the day - issues which resonate even today. Check the last two issues of Grande for a series of articles on responsible hybridizing which, Elmore stated, "minced no words" and which ignited a heated rebuttal from Bert Foster: "The Case for Responsible Hybridizing" by Nat DeLeon; "The Case for Responsible Hybridizing Revisited" by James Elmore; and "In Defense of Prostitution" by Bert Foster.

Due to the cost of the publication, Grande lasted only one year. In 1981, Carol Johnson edited the first Council newsletter in the format we have used for the last 30 plus years. She did it all before the advent of computers, thus, by hand, pasting each article on boards for photocopying. After her death in 1998, her son Geoff took over the editor's position; upon his death in 2000, Inez and Len Dolotowski stepped up and kept the newsletter going until early 2004. After a year's hiatus, the newsletter resumed publication in 2005, with Karen Andreas as editor.

Carol left her mark on the newsletter, creating the format, the type of content, the often chatty Catching Up and Staying Even. Here is a biography in tribute to this remarkable woman and her son who entertained and informed us for so many years. Carol and Geoff Johnson - The Legends of Pineapple Place

Links to all of the FCBS Newsletters can be found below.

We are missing some newsletters from the early years. If you can provide these to us we would be grateful. I will scan them and return them to you. Contact

The missing newsletters are:
Volume 7, #2, 3 and 4, May, August and November 1987
Volume 8, #1 February 1988

Newsletters are in Adobe Acrobat format. if you do not have the Acrobat Reader click on the icon below to download it for free.

FCBS Newsletters