These pictures were taken with a Sony Mavica digital camera and edited in Adobe Photoshop
All Photos © Michael Andreas
  1. Aechmea cylindrata
    Picture 2
  2. Aechmea lamarchei
    Picture 2 - Inflorescence
    Picture 3 - Flower
  3. Aechmea williamsii
    Picture 2 - Inflorescence
    Picture 3 - Flower
    Picture 4 - Closeup
  4. Aechmea 'Burgundy'
    Picture 2 - Inflorescence
    Picture 3 - Flower
    Picture 4 - Close-up of flower
  5. Androlepis skinneri

    Picture 2 - Inflorescence
    Picture 3 - Flower
    Picture 4 - Flower
  6. Billbergia 'Hallelujah'
    - Picture 2
    - Picture 3
    Picture 4 - Flower
    Picture 5 - Flower
  7. Billbergia nutans
    var. nutans

    Picture 2 - Flower
  8. Billbergia nutans
    Yankee job

    Picture 2 - Flower
  9. Billbergia nutans
    var. schimperiana

    Picture 2 - Flower
  10. Billbergia rosea
    Composite showing bloom over 4 days
  11. Billbergia sanderiana
    Picture 2 - Flower
    Picture 3 - Flower
    Picture 4 - Closeup
  12. Billbergia tesmanii
    Picture 2- Inflorescence
    Picture 3 - Flower
  13. Billbergia
    'Catherine Wilson'

    Picture 2 - Flower
  14. Billbergia 'Kyoto'
    Picture 2 - Flower
    Picture 3 - close-up
  15. Canistrum fosterianum
    Picture 2 - Flower
  16. Crypt. acaulis
    var. argenteus

    Picture 2 - Flower
  17. Crypt. colnagoi
    Picture 2 - Flower
  18. Crypt. 'Nivea'
    Picture 2 - Flower
  19. Crypt. 'Raspberry Ice'
    Picture 2 - Flower
  20. Fosterella spectabilis
    Picture 2 - Flower
  21. Guzmania 'Kapoho Fire'
  22. Guzmania wittmackii
    Photo 2
    Photo 3
    Photo 4
    Photo 5
  23. Neo 'Charm'
  24. Neo. 'Fireball'
    Picture 2 - Flower
    Picture 3 - Flower
  25. Nid. 'Morobe'
  26. Hohenbergia stellata
    Hohenbergia stellata
    A composite of 4 images showing bloom over 5 weeks
    Hohenbergia stellata
    Closeup of infloresence
    Hohenbergia stellata Flower
  27. Pitcairnia chiriquensis
    Picture 2 - Inflorescence
    Picture 3 - Flower
  28. Tillandsia caput-medusae
    Picture 2
    Picture 3
  29. Tillandsia chiapensis
    Picture 2 - Infloresence
    Picture 3 - Flower
  30. Tillandsia concolor
    Picture 2 - Flower
  31. Tillandsia fasciculata
    var. clavispica

    Picture 2 - Infloresence
    Picture 3 - Same plant, 5 weeks later
    Picture 4 - Infloresence
    Picture 5 - Flower
    Picture 6 - Closeup of flower
  32. Tillandsia foliosa
    Picture 2 - Inflorescence
    Picture 3 - Flower
  33. Tillandsia hondurensis
    Picture 2 - Infloresence
  34. Tillandsia intermedia
    Picture 2 - Flower
  35. Til. ionantha 'Druid'
  36. Tillandsia karwinskyana
    Picture 2 - Flower
    Picture 3 - Closeup of flower
  37. Tillandsia kegeliana
    Picture 2 - Flower
  38. Tillandsia lindenii
    Picture 2 - Same plant, 6 months later
    Picture 3 - Plant
    Picture 4 - Flower
    Picture 5 - Closeup of flower
  39. Tillandsia paucifolia
    Picture 2 - Flower
  40. Tillandsia stricta
    Picture 2 - Flower
  41. Tillandsia stricta
    Hard Leaf, Brazil
    Picture 2 - Flower
  42. Tillandsia brachycaulos x fasciculata
    Picture 2 - Flower
  43. Tillandsia 'Eric Knobloch'
    Picture 2 - Flower
  44. Vriesea Bamboo
    Hybrid #8
  45. Vriesea espinosae
    Picture 2 - Flower