
Affiliate Representatives Present: (BGTB) H.T. Sisco (substitute rep) and Tom Wolfe, (BSBC) Sara and Jose Donayre, (BSCF) Ben Klugh Jr and Lisa Robinette, (BSSF) Patty Gonzalez and Mike Michalski, (CBS) Vicky Chirnside, (FECBS) Calandra Thurrott and Steve Provost, (FWCBS) Ashley Graham and Susan Sousa, (GBS) Carolyn and Ron Schoenau, (SBS) David A. Johnson, (SBTPS) Sudi Hipsley and Kay Klugh.

Other Officials Present: Betsy McCrory, Orlandiana 2012, Jay Thurrott, BSI, and Howard Frank, Weevil

Guests: Bill McCrory (BSCF).

The meeting was called to order by David Johnson, FCBS Chairman, at 1:00 p.m. Guests were introduced by Chairman. Betsy McCrory was acting parliamentarian and noted that we have a quorum. All present introduced themselves.

Secretary’s report was moved to approve by Vicki Chirnside and seconded by Lisa Robinette. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.

Webmaster Report: Webmaster written report was distributed. It noted that the Don Beadle slide scanning project is now substantially complete and includes more than 1,000 slides. Don is now taking pictures of his unnamed cultivars as they bloom, these will be posted. Karen will be writing a profile of Mr. Billbergia to go along with the pictures. Both will be posted in the next issue of the November Council Newsletter.

Oscar Riberio continues his ongoing report on bromeliads and their habitats and human communities in Brazil. Chapter 8 retraces Mulford Foster’s steps in Bahia, Brazil, as memorialized in Brazil, Orchid of the Tropics (1945). This will be posted (text and photographs), on January 1 at fcbs.org under Bromeliad Habitats. The first ever photographs of Orthophytum navioides in habitat will also be published in conjunction with this article.

Please furnish information concerning sales and other events in 2013. The 2013 Extravaganza information will start shortly. Remember that there is a great deal of Council business information posted on the website, including officer and meeting rotation, minutes, weevil reports and bylaws. New officers should definitely explore this information.

Newsletter Report: The Roster was published in August and includes 48 pages. Now that the WBC is over, Betsy has been asked to write an article to wrap up the event and report to members on the Conference. Karen has preliminary information on the 2013 Extravaganza and will begin promoting in November. Karen needs to know who the Chairman of this event will be (as we know now, Susan Sousa will Chair this event). Submit dates for your shows and other events for publication in Newsletter.

The Council’s Facebook page certainly got a bump in "likes" after the conference. Meetings and Society events are being promoted on the Facebook page. Any news you would like promoted please let Karen know. She is also looking for articles for the newsletter. Please let your members know.

Weevil Report: The written Weevil Report was distributed by Howard Frank and discussed at this meeting. It will be posted on fcbs.org. He did mention in particular that there have been many problems with raising the flies. He noted that the US version of Tillandsia utriculata differs from the Belize and South Central American versions (in particular, the South Central American version pups and the US does not). Theresa Cooper made a nice poster for the Conference.

Clone Preservation Project: Jay reported that Europeans are taking up the concept of clone preservation. No details provided.

Judges School—Vicky Chirnside: Vicky reported that seven new judges graduated at Orlandiana 2012. A copy of the revised Handbook was distributed to judges. However, this is not final. The final version will be the same size so as to fit in the old handbook covers. Vicky was asked to provide an electronic list of Florida judges to the Council members.

No contract between BSI & FCBS regarding Orlandiana 2012: Tom Wolfe and Ron Schoenau made a presentation to the BSI Board concerning the fact that there is not a contract between these two organizations for Orlandiana 2012. This makes for a very difficult situation since there are two Treasurer’s for the conference. The Board agreed that a written contract was necessary and that for future years, this must be done. Nothing appeared to change for 2012. The Council thanked Tom and Ron for their efforts in this regard.

Extravaganza 2013: The 2013 Extravaganza will be held September 21, at the Holiday Inn Harborside in Indian Rocks Beach. Free parking and internet is available at this hotel and the rate will be $109.00 per night.

Extravaganza 2014: There is no society ready to commit at this time for 2014. Two societies may combine efforts to accomplish this. A loan from FCBS to societies is also a possibility (amount $2500-$3000). Also, FCBS signing the hotel contract is another possibility.

WBC 2014: Will be held in Hawaii. More details later.

Orlandiana 2012 finances (partial info): Sales $108,141.00, additional sales for art $3,059.00, $7,203.52 sales tax collected and $273 for boxes; Cryptanthus Auction $2721.00 and Rare Plant Auction $10,825.00; Total $132,977.00.

Society News: Betsy announced that Society news should be sent to Karen for the Newsletter. Various Societies gave a report of activities going on in their society (see fcbs.org) for details.

New Society Websites: Vicky Chirnside announced that Sarasota Bromeliad Society had a website and Ron Schoenau announced that the Gainesville Bromeliad Society has a new website.

Officers for 2013: Chairman, Ashley Graham, Vice-Chair Chris George, Secretary Kay Klugh.

Next Meeting: The January 12, 2013 FCBS meeting will be hosted by the Sarasota Bromeliad Society.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pm.

Draft2 dated 12/13/2012