Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies


October 11, 2008

Meeting and lunch were hosted by Sarasota Bromeliad Society at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, 811 South Palm Ave, Sarasota, Florida.

Meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Juan Espinosa-Almodovar at 1pm. Chairman Jose "Pepe" Donayre was out of the country for this meeting. Juan thanked the members of the Sarasota society for the excellent luncheon.

Karen Andreas, parliamentarian, stated that we had a quorum of 10 societies represented.

Motion was made by Jerry Okeefe and seconded by David Johnson to accept the minutes from the July 12, 2008 meeting as printed. Motion carried.

Sudi Hipsley, treasurer gave the financial report and as of October 11, 2008 the balance in all accounts was $20,639.30. The report will be filed for audit.

Sudi reported that the Boca Raton Bromeliad Society made a donation of $500 for the weevil fund.

Michael Andreas, Webmaster, reported that he is still busy adding pictures to the website. He is also involved with a new project with Oscar Rabaro, in Brazil, to put together an article with pictures on the habitat of bromeliads in Brazil. Karen Andreas spoke about her displeasure with commercial growers and societies using pictures without permission from the council. She would like feedback on how to solve this problem.

Karen Andreas, Newsletter Editor, announced she had extra copies of the roster available if anyone would like them. The next newsletter will go out the middle of November. The February 2009 issue will have the calendar of events from your society so be sure to get your show information to her.

Jay Thurrott, BSI representative, reported the formation of the International Liaison Group that is looking into having World Bromeliad Conferences in other countries starting in 2012. A couple of the countries under consideration are Germany and Thailand. A new brochure on the BSI is going to the printer and will be sent directly to the societies. The Gainesville Society is being affiliated with the BSI. Membership to the BSI is down and we need to find out why. Florida could lose a director if membership from Florida doesn’t go up. The 2010 World Conference in New Orleans is at 103 registrants so far. Jay also mentioned the Seed Bank and that for just $1 per packets you could grow bromeliads from seed. If you donate seed to the bank you can get the packets for free.

Ron Cave, Weevil Research Committee, reported that fly production was down from the last report but still strong. Three fly releases were done from July-September 2008. Laboratory research has begun in Gainesville on the reproductive habits of the L. franki. This research will help in increasing the colony of flies. The weevils and bromeliads are still being monitoring in the enchanted forest.


Tom Wolfe gave a report on the 2008 Extravaganza. There were 197 registrants and 150 hotel nights. Everything seemed to go very well. Tom was thanked for chairing the extravaganza and for putting on a well attended and full-filled event. The auction went well also. It was suggested that in the auction procedures manual that we change the issuing of auction number to 4pm and they we use the 3 part forms for the silent auction items. Everyone was in agreement with these changes. Karen Andreas will change the Auction Procedures Manual to reflect the changes.

Betsy McCrory reported that her society, Bromeliad Society of Central Florida, is looking for a hotel to host the 2009 extravaganza. She hopes to have more information at the January 2009 meeting.


Karen Andreas sent around a picture of Derek Butcher with his plaque that he received as a Friend of the Council.

As had been requested by the Chair, "Pepe" Donayre, Juan Espinosa-Almodovar read the recognition speech given by "Pepe" on behalf of the Florida Council, prior to the Annual Auction, to Karen and Michael Andreas for all their work.

Jay Thurrott brought up the Cultivar Registry. There are a lot of hybrid look-a-likes and some good hybrids that are not being registered. Should there be a registration fee for new hybrids?

There were a couple of proposed changes to the Standing Rules:

Standing Rule 3-Current- Pictures and materials on the Council Web Site may be used by the Council’s affiliated societies and members for the promotion of bromeliads; bromeliad education; scientific research and other non-profit purposes. All other uses are prohibited without express permission. Credit to be given to sources of information from the page.

Proposed change (replacing the underlined section above):

Societies that are affiliated with the Council may use pictures and articles from the Council site for non-commercial purposes, such as newsletters, as long as both the author/photographer and Council are credited.

Motion was made by Betsy McCrory, seconded by Butch Force to accept the proposed change. Motion carried.

Standing Rule 8 Annual Extravaganza

A Rules and procedures governing management of FCBS Annual Auction

2. Actual operation of all sales during the Annual Extravaganza shall be subject to be set by the host.

Proposed change, adds a subsection to the above:

2.A. The host society will include in its sales rules a provision to require each vendor/seller to contribute at least one rare (or semi-rare) bromeliad or bromeliad related item to the Rare Plant Auction.

This proposed change met a very lively discussion and due to the heated discussion David Johnson made a motion to table this item. The motion to table was 9 for and 7 against. Motion carried.

2.B. The host society will include in its sales rules the following notice: "The unauthorized use of photographs from the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies’ website is strictly prohibited. When permission from the author of such a photograph has been granted, the original photograph must be used and not the one posted from the Council site.

A motion by Betsy McCrory, seconded by Jerry O’Keefe to accept the proposed change, motion carried with one opposed.

Karen Andreas reminded everyone about the dues’ notice changes. Michael Andreas will be sending out every society’s current roster for additions and corrections in December. Sudi Hipsley the treasurer will be sending out statements to each society based on the update roster from their society in January with payment due February 28. Updating the roster will be done once a year. Societies are encouraged to continue to send new member information to Michael and Karen so they can add them to the mailing list.

Next Florida Council meeting will be January 10 at Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society,

All the societies present gave a report on what has happened and want will be happening at their society.

Meeting adjourned at 4:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy McCrory, Secretary