Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies


October 11, 2003

Societies Present: Ted & Peggy Nuse (FEC, Treasurer); Jay & Calandra Thurrott (FEC); Mark Havlik (Boca Raton); Mike & Karen Andrea (BSCF); Roland & Jean Schnabel (FWCBS); Karl Green (BSSF); Al Muzzell (Gainesville); Ed & Nancy Hall (SBS); Polly Pascal; & Maureen Frazel (BSBC); Vickie Chirnside (Caloosahatchee).

Others Present: Dr Howard Frank (the weevil project)

Societies Not Represented: Treasure Coast, Tampa Guild and Sarasota.

Call to order: Chairman Roland Schnabel called the meeting to order at 1:30PM at the home of Joel Meisner. The meeting was hosted by the Boca Raton Society. Each representative introduced him or herself.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the July 12, 2003 were approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report: Ted Nuse distributed the Treasurer’s Report. He stated that the combined accounts total $22,406.16 with $5,678.86 in the general fund. Roland reported Terri Bert (past Chairperson) had just received notice that the Florida Corporation fees had not been paid and were past due. Roland asked her to forward the information to Ted Nuse for payment. Ted made a motion to have the state send the bill directly to him. The motion was seconded by Al Muzzell and passed.

Karen Andreas passed out a report on the Web Site. As of October 10, 2003 over 171,950 people have visited fcbs.org. She encouraged newsletter editors to freely use any material on the Web Site but be sure to acknowledge the source.

Inez Dolatowski was absent and thus no report was made by the newsletter editor.

Per Dr. Howard Frank, Dr. Barbra Larson will be phasing out of the weevil research because of a new job. Howard distributed a 2-page report. He mentioned that the Fort Pierce field office under Dr. Ron Cave is expected to be operational by mid 2004. Much of the weevil research will be transferred there.

Karen Andreas reported that only one membership survey had been received back. Polly Pascal made a motion to put the survey in the next newsletter. Al Muzzell seconded the motion that was passed.

Karl Green reported that the Miccosukee Resort sold the rooms out from under the SFBS. After some discussion on an alternate date in January 2003, Karl made a motion that was seconded by Ed Hall to cancel the 2003 Extravaganza. The motion carried. It was mentioned that the Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society would host the fall 2004 Extravaganza and the Sarasota Bromeliad Society would host the 2005 event.

Karen Andreas handed out a packet of information on the FCBS. She requested feedback.

Roland Schnabel noted the 2004 incoming FCBS officers will be as follows:

Chairman-Gainesville Bromeliad Society

Vice-Chairman-Seminole Bromeliad Society

Secretary-Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society.

The Chairman begins serving at the end of the January 2004 meeting. Ed Hall, the present Secretary mentioned he expected the new secretary to assume the job at the start of the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30PM.

Respectively submitted,

Ed Hall, Secretary