Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of

The Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies

October 10, 2009

Clearwater, Florida

Chairman Juan Espinosa Almodovar called the meeting to order at 1:15 PM.

A roll call was taken by way of introductions. It was found that all societies were represented so a [perfect] quorum was established.

Present were:




Juan Espinosa Almodovar – Chairman



Mark Peters




Calandra Thurrott


Bill McCrory


Tom Wolfe – Secretary


Patty Gonzalez


Jose & Sara Donayre


Eve Krauth


Vicky Churnside


Rick Ryals


Barrett Bassick



Harold Sisco



Ron Schoenau



Suzanne Carnell



Jerry O’Keefe



Howard Frank – weevil report



Mike Michalski



David Johnson



Carolyn Schoenau



Betsy McCrory – Vice Chairman



Linda Sheetz



Brian Corey



Karen Andreas – Editor (also, substituting as Junior Representative for BSCF)



Michael Andreas - Webmaster



Juan welcomed all society representatives and guests and thanked John and Janet Bankhead and the Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society for their hospitality and the wonderful lunch.

2. Minutes:

Juan asked if there were any additions or corrections to the April 11, 2009 minutes. There were none. Jerry O’Keefe moved to accept the minutes as published. Karen Andreas seconded. Motion passed.

3. Treasurer’s Report:

Finance report was distributed in the absence of Sudi Hipsley. Report showed an ending balance of $22,301.68. Report was filed for audit.

4. Web Site:

Michael Andreas, Webmaster, reviewed some new features on the FCBS website, including articles by Oscar Ribeiro (bromeliads in habitat as well as a look at the culture of some regions where bromeliads grow) and a downloadable and updated Bromeliad Glossary.

A lengthy discussion concerning the BSI cultivar registry being taken off the FCBS web site. Michael and Karen passed out a printed history of the Bromeliad Cultivar Registry on the FCBS web site.

Barrett Bassick moved to support Michael Andreas in whatever decision he decides is the proper action or inaction in the matter. Jerry O’Keefe seconded the motion. Motion passed, with Karen Andreas abstaining.

5. Newsletter:

Karen Andreas stated that Sudi received a check for copyright fees from overseas. This is an apparent result of having copyrighted the Council logo.

The information on the Bromeliad Extravaganza should be mailed by approximately October l7, 2009. Carolyn Schoneau moved that this document should be printed in the next FCBS newsletter. Steve Provost seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Karen is working on the trademark for the Bromeliad Extravaganza.

6. Weevil Report:

Dr. Howard Frank stated that the fly, Lixadmontia franki isn’t working as well as expected. Dr. Frank will be traveling to Guatemala soon to attempt to locate a different parasitic fly.

7. Clone Preservation Project:

Jose Donayre gave a report from Nat DeLeon and distributed a growers list to be presented to each society in order to acquire volunteers to grow certain genera.

8. Education:

Calandra Thurrott stated that she is in contact with the Daytona State College and Florida East Coast University Library.


Bromeliad Extravaganza – Betsy McCrory reported that the hotel will accept reservations until October 30th at the special price. There will be sugar (-) free desserts at the dessert social on Friday night. Registration is $60.00 for Friday night and Saturday night combination. It is $50.00 just for Saturday night and $12.00 per person for the bus tours. The bus tours will go to Color Zone, Russell’s Nursery, and Lisa Robinette and Bob Smedley’s houses.

Betsy stated that she found a source for computer type cash registers at $150.00 each. Karen Andreas moved that the FCBS would purchase three of these cash registers at $150.00 each. Carolyn Schoneau seconded. Motion passed.

10. 2010 (Bromeliad) Extravaganza:

Suzanne Carnell stated that the Treasure Coast Bromeliad Society may be interested in hosting the 2010 Bromeliad Extravaganza. They will have a meeting within a week and will determine if they can handle the logistics of it. She has contacted a hotel in Stewart’s North Beach which looks promising.


WORLD CONFERENCE 2010 – Jay Thurrott gave us a list of seminar speakers and stated that plans were falling in place for the New Orleans Conference.

SOCIETY REPORTS - Juan asked each society’s representative to report on the events and speakers they have had over the past three months and upcoming events over the next three months.

OFFICERS FOR 2010 – Societies responsible for:

Chairman – Bromeliad Society of Central Florida

Vice Chairman – Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay

Secretary – Sarasota Bromeliad Society

Next meeting is Saturday, January 9, 2010 and will be hosted by the Bromeliad Society of South Florida at Fairchild Gardens.

Juan bid farewell as Chairman and thanked all who supported him as Chairman.

Mike Micholski (Michalski) moved to adjourn at 4:22 PM. Steve Provost seconded. Motion passed.
