Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies

Quarterly Meeting October 9, 2010


The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Betsy McCrory at 1:05pm at the Sanford Garden Club Building in Sanford. She thanked the Society and the many Garden Club members for hosting the meeting.

The Chairman introduced the Council officers and all the representatives introduced themselves. All 11 Societies were present: 100 % attendance. A list of all attendees is attached to these minutes.

Reports/ Updates

The minutes of the July meeting had two corrections—the judge students at the World Conference viewed the show judging and they only got class credit. The second was Jay sent the Florida 2012 World Conference proposal to the BSI. The amended minutes were approved.

The Treasurer Sudi Hipsley presented the financial report noting the total accounts balance is $21,287.75. The report was filed for audit. All were reminded the Annual Assessments will be in December.

Michael Andreas, the webmaster reported that photos are still arriving and they are added to our file.

The Council Newsletter report by Karen Andreas indicated the deadline for the November Newsletter is October 20th. Extra copies of earlier Newsletters including the 2010 State Roster were available at the meeting.

Dr. Teresa Cooper of the Indian River Research and Education Center of University of Florida, presented an extensive Weevil Report covering the July- September 2010 period. The life cycle of a weevil is 6 to 18 months. A copy of her written report is attached to the minutes. She also volunteered to report at various Society meetings as her calendar allows.

The BSI report was given by the new President of the BSI, Jay Thurrott. The World Conference in New Orleans had a profit of $30,000. It was split between the BSI and the local sponsor the New Orleans Bromeliad Society (the Big Easy). The formula for the split was agreed to prior to the meeting.

The 2012 World Conference will be in October or November in Orlando. A hotel contract is still in discussion and when completed announcements will be made to all. A contract between the BSI and the Council is being drafted with a 50/50 split of profits. Certain functions tours, etc. profits will be 100% for the FL Council. The plan includes sending registration fees to the BSI and funds will be sent to the sponsor (FL Council) as needed. All Societies will need to support and work to make the 2012 World Conference a success.

Old Business

The Extravaganza schedule has been changed. The next event will be November 4 and 5, 2011, at The Plaza Resort and Spa in Daytona Beach. The room rate is $99. This is four star beach facility of 323 large guest rooms. Jay requested we invite the Cryptanthus Society to hold their show and sale in conjunction with the Extravaganza. A motion was made by by Karen Andreas and and seconded. The members voted unanimously to invite the Cryptanthus Society to join us at The Plaza Resort and Spa Extravaganza.

The Judges school will meet again on October 23. Members have a concern about the number of judges available for "their shows". No solution has been presented or accepted at this time.

David Johnson reported the study group of BSI leaders and the administration of Marie Selby Botanical Gardens are meeting on the proposed structure, management, and financing of the Bromeliad Identification Center. The next meeting is planned for early December. Since Harry Luther left, several Societies and the Council have sent their BIC contributions to the BSI where a separate fund is being maintained for future sharing with the "new BIC program."

Karen Andreas distributed the rotating list of Council officers and quarterly meetings.


Next meeting will be January 8, 2011, sponsored by the Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Johnson
