Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
October 9, 2004
Societies Present: Bob Dalzell & Roland Schnabel (FWCBS); Ed & Nancy Hall (SBS); Betsey McCrory & Karen Andreas (BSCF); Michael Andreas (Web Master); Jay & Calandra Thurott (FECBS); Bob & Maureen Frazel (BSBC); Ed & Moyna Prince (BSSF); Dale Kammerlohr & Vicky Chirnside (CBS); Ronald Cave (University of Florida, Fort Pierce).
Societies not represented: Boca Raton Bromeliad Society, Gainesville Bromeliad Society, Sarasota Bromeliad Society, Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay, and Treasure Coast Bromeliad Society.
The meeting was called to order in the home of Ed & Moyna Prince by Vice Chairman Roland Schnabel, in the absence of Carolyn Schoenau.
Roll Call:
Maureen Frazel (BSBC) - They are doing well with membership. The 2nd and 3rd of April 2005 is their show. They are having an auction next week. They also have miniature in house shows throughout the year.
Moyna Prince (BSSF) – They had a successful auction. Ed was elected President for next year. They also might not have a show in 2005.
Dale Kammerlohr (CBS) – is in transition from a founders club to now including everyone. They are having a silent auction and sale next Sunday of Gene McKenzie’s plants. They are renting a bus to take the members to the Extravaganza.
Calandra Thurrott (FECBS) – Reported that she will be Secretary of their society next year and Jay will be Vice President.
Bob Dalzell (FWC) – announced that they are busy with the Extravaganza.
Nancy & Ed Hall (SBC) – They had a sale during one of the hurricanes. It was not well attended. They will have a non standard show next year. Judges will get credit. The idea has not been officially published.
Karen Andreas (BSCF) – Hurricanes, hurricanes, hurricanes. The day after jean they had a meeting and 23 people showed up.
Guests: Bill McCrory
New Editor: Jeffery Haviland of the Gainesville Society has been appointed Editor. He was not available for the meeting but Roland said he is enthusiastic and looking forward to the job.
Treasurer: Sudi Hipsley (SBS) will be Treasurer starting in January. Karen made a motion to accept Sudi as Treasurer, Ed Hall seconded and the motion passed.
Secretary’s Minutes – Approved, moved, and passed.
Treasurer’s Report – the treasurer’s Report was passed out by Jay Thurrott. Boca Raton has not yet paid.
Web Master’s Report – Michael Andreas reported that not much was going on due to the World Conference and hurricanes, but he is working on pictures from the conference. Florida West Coast now has a website – FWCBS.com
Weevil Report – Ron Cave, Assistant Professor at the Indian River Research and Education Center, Biological Control Research Containment Center, is now the contact person for the Council and the ongoing Weevil research. He passed out an extensive report. On October 2nd Howard Franks import permit expired. Ron Cave is waiting for his and as soon as a sterile research center is completed they can start importing flies. He is also looking for alternative parasites. Ron also explained the import process: The flies can be hand carried to a point of entry – then given to a customs agent with all permits and then on to a custom broker, then on to quarantine officers to be taken to a quarantine maximum facility where it is then opened in Ron’s presence. It takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to go through all the handling and permit checking. Ron announced he will give lectures to societies.
Judges Report – Polly was not in attendance but Maureen Frazel reported that there were 9 students for the Judging School in Chicago. This was the 4th school for Florida and the 2nd for the World Conference.
Old Business – Reminder of 2005 Officer Societies
Seminole Bromeliad Society – Chair
Caloosahatchee – Vice Chair
Florida East Coast – Secretary
Follow up Report – (Orthophypum helenicae)
Mike Andreas reported that, due to complex paper work and after consultations with Tom Wolfe, Dennis Cathcart, and Ed Prince, we refuse the offer from Oscar Roberio. Joyce Brehm, from California, is at her expense receiving 65 of the plants. It is not known at this time what she is going to do with them.
Membership Rosters – please send rosters to Jeff Haviland for the mailing list. Also send all local shows and events to Jeffery@Havilands.com.
Maureen Frazel made a motion that we have 3 meetings per year. Bob Dalzell seconded, a discussion followed. Karen, as our Parliamentarian, stated that this needs to be a By-Law change. Maureen withdrew the motion.
Extravaganza – Bob Dalzell reported that 85 people have already registered for the Extravaganza and anyone belonging to a society is approved to sell. Sarasota is hosting the 2005 Extravaganza. Date and details are unknown.
New Business – 2008 World Conference is looking for a volunteer to host.
BSI – Joyce Brehm – President
Jack Riley & Ron Schoenau – Vice Presidents
John Atlee – Secretary
Jay Thurrott - new BSI Director
Carolyn Schoenau – new affiliate Chairman
The host society for January 2005 meeting is Sarasota and Seminole will host in April.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM with thanks going to Ed & Moyna Prince for being great hosts.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicky Chirnside