The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Tom Wolfe at 1:00 PM. The meeting was held at the Caribe Royale Hotel & Convention Center Orlando. The meeting was hosted by The Bromeliad Society of Central Florida. The Chairman asked all Societies to roll call, with nine Societies present at the roll call. The members are listed below.
Tom Wolfe, Harold Sisco, David A. Johnson, Calandra and Jay Thurrott, john and Janet Bankhead, Sudi Hipsley, Jose and Sara Donayre, Betsy and Bill McCrory, Lisa Robinette, Michael Michalski and Patty Gonzalez, Rick Ryals, Teresa M. Cooper (UF), Carolyn and Ron Schoenau, Larry Giroux, Steve Provost, Dean Fairchild, and Michael and Karen Andreas.
Minutes for the July 9th meeting accepted without correction and posted to the Florida Council Website.
Motion Sara Donayre 2nd Steve Provost
Treasurer Report:
Sudi Hipsley TreasurerReport filed for audit with no corrections
Webmaster Report
Submitted by Michael AndreasThe Council website is not receiving copies of photos from BSI of newly registered cultivars and hybrids. Betsy reported that the logo being used on the BSI website for the World Conference needs to be corrected, and a registration form for the event should be on the BSI website. .
Newsletter Report
submitted by Karen AndreasSociety news reports are not being received from all Societies. The next issue of the newsletter will feature articles on Kiti Wetsel, and Dr. Helen Dexter. More articles are requested profiling members of Societies that have made a contribution of note to their Society. Karen was asked if she could publish a link in an article that would lead to a posted picture of either the person referenced, or their plants, if the individual has been identified with a plant or plants. Karen stated that publishing a link is possible. Additionally Karen reported that the only record of past newsletter information and articles resides in subscribers collections of older copies. Karen will endeavor to record these old issues in a computer format which can be posted on line so the information will not be lost.
Weevil Report
by Dr. Teresa Cooper (UF)The Lixadmontia franki colony produced 307 puparia this quarter, July through September. The fluctuations in the population are decreasing; there was only one week in August where no puparia were collected. With a more stable fly population, we will be able to make more regular releases, and to continue with some research which has been put on hold pending the recovery of the colony, including temperature studies on the fly, and testing on what volatiles the female flies cue in on to find host weevil larvae.
A fly release was made at the Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve on 31 August Six gravid females were released. Sentinel Pineapple tops (pineapple tops inoculated with weevil larvae) were placed in the field on 4 October to monitor for F2 flies. The tops will be retrieved on 20 October and watched for parasitism.
Data for the temperature tolerance, developmental rate, and survival rate of the weevil have been collected and are in the process of being analyzed and reported.
We are still in the process of testing the weevil on Florida forms of Tillandsea Utriculata
verses the Central American forms of T, Utriculata. Preliminary data has been collected but is still in the process of being analyzed.
Other data was presented on scarcity of pineapple tops, but a local source has been found as well as plantings done by UF.
BSI Report
Jay Thurrott PresidentThe bylaws of the BSI have been changed to allow the BSI financial support of Selby Gardens.
The BSI Conservation Committee is now BSI Research, Education, and Connservation Committee. This will make it easier for the BSI to fulfill its goal of supporting both research and education. A proposal has been drawn up detailing what Selby and the BSI will each supply to the new BSI world headquarters, and the financial responsibility of the BSI to Selby Gardens.
Extravaganza Report
2011 by Jay ThurrottSpeakers will be Dean Fairchild, Terri Bert, Tom Wolfe, and Carol Richmyer.
5 plants per Society will be donated and there will be a dedicated room for receiving them. The Cryptanthus Society will have 50-70 items for both the auction and silent auction. Larry Giroux presented a complete timetable for all Cryptanthus activities at the Extravaganza. Additionally there was a mention that all Society newsletters are not pushing this event. A review of all newsletters revealed only three had publicized the event. There was an informal poll of how many Societies publish their newsletters electronically and all did. Most Societies mailed out no more than three copies to older members.
Sara Donayre displayed t-shirts with various logo’s which may be offered at the World Conference. Karen Andreas brought up the issue of the logo belonging to the artist who originated it, and his permission to use it must be obtained before any commercial enterprise can benefit from it.
To offset the cost of producing the Extravaganza brochure is suggested that The Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies contribute funds for a full page ad in the brochure. Ad cost $250.00 and the standard ad form will be used.
Motion Lisa Robinette 2nd. Mike Michalski
Motion carried by voice vote of the attendees
Extravaganza Report 2013
Janet and John BankheadHotel has been selected, Vote to expend funds must go before membership, scheduled for January 2012.
Extravaganza Report 2014
by Ron SchoenauWorking on club acceptance of responsibility.
Judges Report
no report presented2012 World Conference by Betsy McCrory
The use of bar code readers is being examined for use in plant sales, limited discussion followed, no determination reached.
Groups of people registering for the Conference are to assess a $10.00 discount on the registration. Groups must be 3-4 or more people applying with one submission. A second hotel has been engaged at 89.00 per room night and will count against the guarantee of 600 room nights given by BSI to the Caribe Royale. The second hotel The Buena Vista hotel adjoins the convention center parking lot. See Betsy McCrory for reservations at this hotel.
Initating a poster session is being discussed and explored because it was a popular event at New Orleans. Accounts opened at Chase bank are being assessed a monthly fee due to low balances in the accounts. BSI has stated that funds can be requested to bolster these accounts if needed. Information provided by Jay Thurrott.
Society reps presented their society news. Reps were reminded to send their society news to Karen.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM
Motion Mike Michalski 2nd Steve Provost