Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
July 12, 2008
Meeting and lunch were hosted by Treasure Coast Bromeliad Society at the St Lucie County Extension Service, 8400 Picos Road, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jose "Pepe" Donayre at 1 pm. Pepe thanked the members of the Treasure Coast society for the excellent luncheon.
Karen Andreas, parliamentarian, stated that we had a quorum of 10 societies represented.
Motion was made by Karen Andreas and seconded by Mark Peters to accept the minutes from the April 12, 2008 meeting as printed. Motion carried.
Sudi Hipsley, treasurer gave the financial report and as of July 12, 2008 the balance in all accounts was $18980.38. The report will be filed for audit.
Michael Andreas, Webmaster, reported that he has about a 6 month backlog of pictures but is making progress at getting them on the website. Karen Andreas reported that she has submitted the registration form to the Copyright office for the copywriting of the Council logo. When the copywriting is complete she will receive a paper certificate by mail. Karen also let us know that Google Images could present a problem in the future with the pictures on the website.
Karen Andreas, newsletter editor, reported that the August newsletter will be the state roster. If you have any changes please get the information to Karen within the next week. Please send only the changes not your complete roster. She also reminded the representatives that if you have new members in your society to be sure to send their names and addresses to her so they can get a copy of the newsletter.
Carolyn Schoenau made a motion that a subscription to the FCBS newsletter shall be offered to all persons outside the state of Florida including international persons at the charge of $5 plus the cost of postage. This subscription will not include membership to the council and must be paid in advance in US dollars annually. Motion seconded by Juan Espinosa-Almodovar, motion carried. This will be added to the standing rules.
Ron Cave, weevil research, reported that 69 flies were released at Lake Rogers State Park in April along with 79 flies released at Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge and 101 flies released in the Enchanted Forest. May there was 73 flies released in Big Cypress National Preserve. June saw 94 flies released at Lake Rogers State Park, 54 flies released at Fakahatchee Strand State Park, and 100 flies at Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. The operations in Honduras were shut down in May because of the heat, the Ft Pierce colony is doing good and the funding cycle ended.
We had the honor of meeting David Pick, the high school student whose expenses we helped finance for his project "Evaluation of Artifical Diets for Rearing Metamasius Callizona (Coleoptera:Dryophthoridae)". David has the project at the meeting for everyone to look at. He placed 3rd at the Florida State Science and Engineering Fair in April and he displayed his project in May at the International Science and Engineering Fair in Atlanta, GA.
Jay Thurrott, BSI representative, reported on the World Bromeliad Conference that was held in Australia in June and the board meeting that was held at the same time. A new committee is being formed to enhance international interest. It was suggested that every other conference be held in a foreign country. The 2010 conference will be held in New Orleans, LA. Jay also mentioned that a committee will be formed to look into the international hybrid registration process. There will be a new handout going to the affiliate societies.
By-Law Changes:
Article III
A (1) f Annual dues plus a Newsletter assessment per address per affiliated Florida bromeliad society should be sent to the Treasurer of the Council no later than April 1 of each year of affiliation.
Proposed Change:
A (1) f The Treasurer shall assess dues plus a Newsletter assessment per address per affiliated Florida bromeliad society at the beginning of January, based on each society’s roster as of December 31 of the prior year. The Treasurer will send the dues notice, either by email or snail mail which ever is appropriate, to the society president and Council representatives. Payment of the dues will be no later than February 28. New rosters from each society are due by April 1.
Article IV
A .Dues shall be payable by April first for the current year, after written notice in February.
Proposed Change:
A. Dues shall be payable by February 28 for the current year, after written notice to the affiliated societies, as provided for in Article III A 1 f.
Carolyn Schoenau made a motion to accept the proposed changes to the by-laws, seconded by Jay Thurrott, motion carried.
Tom Wolfe, 2008 Extravaganza chairman requested a list of members from the affiliated societies that have passed away since the last extravaganza. Tom also reported that the extravaganza is ready to welcome everyone.
Betsy McCrory, 2009 Extravaganza chair mentioned that she has started getting chairs for the different committees and will be looking for a location near the Orlando International Airport.
New Business:
Karen Andreas suggested we have an award presented at the extravaganza to honor a person who is outside the state of Florida who has helped the Florida Council. This person will receive a certificate as a Friend to the Florida Council. Motion was made by Vicky Chirnside and seconded by Carolyn Schoenau to have this award. Motion carried. Karen suggested that the first person to receive this honor should be Derek Butcher. Carolyn Schoenau made a motion and Vicky Chirnside seconded that the first person to receive this award will be Derek Butcher, motion carried. Karen will take care of the certificate and the wording for the certificate and getting the certificate to Derek Butcher in Australia.
Vicky Chirnside presented Juan Espinosa-Almodovar concerns about holding a judges school. Betty Ann Prevatt told Vicky that 15 people will be needed. Representatives were asked to mention this to their members and to submit their names if they are interested in the school. Once 15 people are signed up the school will be set up. The school takes a couple of year to complete. There will be 6 schools and one final exam. School 5 will be held at the World Conference in 2010. A copy of the requirements will be email to all the representatives. Please respond within 60 days to Vicky.
It was reported by Karen Andreas that the Bromeliad Cultivar Registry will be staying with Michael Andreas who created it, for the time being.
Juan Espinosa-Almodovar suggested that a formal protocol should be made regarding the passing of members that were important to the council and bromeliads. It was suggested that the chairman should write a letter to the family and their name will be listed in the newsletter.
"Pepe" Donayre, chairman, went over the list of duties for the auction at the extravaganza. The list is attached to the minutes.
Ron Cave extended an invitation to Council representative to go to the research center after the meeting for a tour of the facilities.
Meeting adjourned at 4:05pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy McCrory, Secretary