July 11, 2009

Hosted by Florida East Coast Bromeliad Society

At the home of Mrs. Eva Krauth in Port Orange, Florida

Juan Espinosa Almondovar, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1:10 PM.

Present were:

BSSF: Juan Espinosa Almondovar, Chairman

Sudi Hipsley – Treasurer

Michael Andreas – Webmaster

BGTB: Tom Wolfe, Secretary

BSBC: Jose Donayre, Sarah Donayre

BSCF: Betsy McCrory, Karen Andreas

BSSF: Mike Michalski

CBS: Vicky Churnside

Steven Provost, BSI Board

Jay Thurrott, BSI Board

GBS: Ronald Schoenau

FECBS: Carolyn Schoenau, Calandra Thurrott. Rick Ryals

TCBS: Mark Peters

FWCBS: Linda Sheets, Brian Corey

SCBS: Jerry O’Keefe

SBS: David Johnson, Barret Bassick

I. Amendments to minutes of the April 11, 2009 meeting:

1. Carolyn Schoenau stated that she is Co-Chair of Sales for the 2009 Extravaganza, not the Chair.

2. Barret Bassick stated that his name was misspelled in the text of the minutes.

Minutes were approved as amended.

II. Treasurer’s Report: Sudi Hipsley submitted a report which showed year to date income of $3,626.50 and year to date expenses $2,227.50 and a total accounts balance of $22,301.68. A note was received from Harry Luther thanking the Council for their donation.

III. Web Site: Michael Andreas stated that the new BSI cultivar registrar is not sending him as many pictures as in previous years but he is receiving species pictures. Michael stated that there is a link page for affiliate’s newsletters and he posts all of them that don’t have their own website.

IV. Newsletter: Karen Andreas stated that cutoff for roster up dates is now, July l7th. The next newsletter will contain the roster.

V. Weevil Report: The Weevil Report was prepared by Howard Frank, Ronald Cave and Teresa Cooper. The report states that field releases were made on four separate dates at four different locations. A total of 196 male flies and 147 female flies have been released.

VI. Clone Preservation: Jay Thurrott stated that Alan Herndon and Nat DeLeon need to submit a monthly report to Michael Andreas to be posted on the web site. This would keep the information in front of people and show the progress of the project. An article on this is due to be released in the March/April issued of the BSI Journal.


1. Education Committee: Calandra Thurrott stated that she will follow up on contacts from Juan. She has contacted the Port Orange library and the greenhouses at Daytona State College. Also the Mulford Foster papers are in the UCF library,

2. 2009 Bromeliad Extravaganza: Betsy McCrory stated that the bus tours have not been finalized. Items are still needed for the raffle. Registration forms are on the FCBS.org website. A new feature of the Extravaganza will be to open the sales room on Friday night to registrants for one hour. Betsy suggested that the Council buy the cash registers for future events instead of renting.

Motion: Vicky Churnside moved that Betsy McCrory be authorized to acquire prices on cash registers and report to the board. Carolyn Schoenau seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Motion: Carolyn Schoenau moved that Council pay for one night’s lodging for Mary Whittemore, auctioneer, at the Extravaganza. Vicky Churnside seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Trademark: Karen Andreas stated that we should proceed with a "service mark" with the US Patent/Trade Mark office and establish the words, "Bromeliad Extravaganza" as our official name for future events.

Motion: Carolyn Schoenau moved to instruct Karen Andreas to fill out the necessary papers and proceed with getting our trademark/service mark registered. Tom Wolfe seconded the motion. Motion passed.

4. Judges School: Vicky Churnside stated that there were twelve students signed up for Judges School. The first school is scheduled for September 19, 2009. The $50.00 fee covers the first and second class.

5. BSI Report: Jay Thurrott stated that there will be a Judges School at the 2010 World Conference in New Orleans.

Future BSI Journals may be smaller.

Motion: Tom Wolfe made a motion for the FCBS donate $500.00 to the Greater New Orleans Bromeliad Society to be used to sponsor an event or as they see fit. The motion was seconded by Carolyn Schoenau. Motion passed.


    1. Host for 2010 Extravaganza: No affiliate has volunteered at this time.
    2. The Marie Selby Gardens: Tom Wolfe led a discussion on the state of the Garden’s finances. After a lengthy discussion it was decided to continue to support the Gardens and the BIC in everyway we can including letter writing to the CEO and the Board of trustees.
    3. Society representatives reported on their past and future events.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:30 PM. Next meeting will be October 10, 2009 hosted by the Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society at the home of John and Janet Bankhead.
