Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
Quarterly Meeting July 10, 2010
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Betsy McCrory at 1:05 pm at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota. She thanked the Sarasota Bromeliad Society for hosting the meeting and a fine tour of the bromeliad living collection.
The Council secretary, David Johnson welcomed the group and reviewed some of the many changes at the Gardens. A packet of Garden information was provided each attendee with an important letter from Tom Buchter, President and CEO.
The Council representatives introduced themselves. All 11 Societies were present: 100% attendance. A list of the persons attending is attached to these minutes.
Minutes from the April meeting were approved with no changes.
Treasurer Sudi Hipsley presented a detailed Treasurer’s Report, which was filed for audit.
The Webmaster Report was given Michael Andreas. With the limited activity all is up-to –date.
Karen Andreas reminded the members that the August issue of the state roster needs the additions and deletions submitted by July 20th. This is necessary to meet the print schedule.
Ron Cave of the University of Florida reported on the status of the weevil project. Teresa Cooper has completed her degree work so she is fulltime on the project. She is a capable speaker, so members were encouraged to have her speak at their meetings.
In the BSI Report, Jay Thurrott noted the agenda of the BSI Board agenda in New Orleans has gotten long, so the election of officers will be late. A major topic will be the future of the BIC. Bruce Holst is leading the group at Selby filling in to maintain most of the BIC activities. Since the prior agreement with was done with a handshake, there is a need to get both parties together and develop a written agreement. Tom Buchter, CEO, is committed to maintain a bromeliad identification center at Selby. He is ready to have a committee of BSI and Selby representatives meet to draft an agreement for approval by the leadership of both organizations. Jay stated the topic will be reviewed in detail at the BSI Board meeting.
Vicky Churnside reported the Judges School will meet again Oct 23 in Ft Myers. Judge students may observe judging at the World Conference and receive class credit.
Old Business
Extravaganza Schedule
Florida East Coast is planning for a November 2011 program with the hotel and dates still open.
The 2012 commitment has been made by West Coast Bromeliad Society.
Betsy said the best way to recruit volunteers for these programs is have a list of all the tasks to be done and than approach individuals one on one for a specific job.
Calendar Coordination of Show and Sales
After many attempts Karen said the Council has not been successful in any real coordination due to special inflexible problems at each of the societies. The
dates of various societies show/ sales are printed in the newsletter and on the Council web site as dates are submitted.Support for the Production of the Binomial Report
David Glosser reported the SBS contributed $400 and Selby paid $600 to print the 2010 Report. David asked why only they were asked to help. In years past the BSI has paid the $1000 for the publication and then
sold copies. No one seems to know why the BSI refused to support the project this year. The hope is that the BSI will place the project in their future budgets.Office Holder Rotation in Florida Council
David Glossser was referred to the organization bylaws where it is defined.
Rotation of Meeting Locations
David Glosser raised the subject of digital meetings where the computers would interface all members rather than the current practice of physically meeting around the state quarterly. The members agreed the face-to-face meetings are of greater value.
World Bromeliad Conference Schedule
Eleven persons reported they plan to attend the New Orleans World Conference the last week of July.
After the April meeting of the Council, Betsy sent the Florida proposal for the 2012 World Conference. The number of other possible invitations is not known, but in the event we are selected (to be announced at the end of the New Orleans meeting} the Chairman appointed a four person committee to meet with BSI and negotiate elements of arrangements. The committee is Ron and Carolyn Schoenau, Tom Wolfe and Chairman Betsy McCrory. Jay sent the Florida 2012 World Conference proposal to the BSI.
Clarification of the Cash Register Policy
Jay Thurrrott asked if the cash registers could be rented by the BSI for the World Conference. The current policy only allows a Florida society to rent the cash registers. Jay asked if they could rent the machines and FEC be responsible if the BSI used them. This was agreeable to all.
Further, a motion was made and passed that Sudi is to affix two labels to each cash register (one in a hidden location, one in a prominent location) identifying that they are the property of the Council.
Speaker Fees and Recent Speakers of Each Society
Information will be provided to representatives; speakers’ fees are for the societies’ private use and not for general distribution.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
David A. Johnson