Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
July 10, 2004
Societies Present: Betsy McCroy and Karen Andreas (BSCF); Jay Thurrott (FECBS); Michael L. Andreas (Web Master); Roland Schnabel and Bob Dalzell (FWCBS); Ed and Moyna Prince (BSSF); Vicky Chirnside (CBS); Al Muzzell and Carolyn Schoenau (GBS); Jose Donayre (BSBC); Sudi Hipsley (SBS); Bob Teems and Tom Wolfe (BGTB); Barbra Larson (Weevil Project); Ted and Peggy Nuse (Treasurers).
Societies not represented: Boca Raton, Sarasota and Treasure Coast Bromeliad Societies.
Chairman: Carolyn Schoenau
Vice Chairman: Roland Schnabel
Secretary: Vicky Chirnside
Treasurers: Ted and Peggy Nuse
Call to order: Chairman Carolyn Schoenau called the meeting to order at 1:10 PM at the home of Carolyn and Ronald Schoenau, hosted by the Gainesville Bromeliad Society.
Secretary’s Report:
After discussion, the last line of the last paragraph of the April 10 minutes regarding the BSI nominations was changed to read "anyone may be nominated as long as they have served one term as a director. The BSI Board will elect the President."
Bob Dalzell made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Roland Schnabel seconded and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Ted Nuse gave the Treasurer’s Report and passed out copies. Tampa Bay, Boca Raton, and Seminole have not paid dues yet.
Webmaster’s Report:
Michael and Karen Andreas reported that the Bromeliad Society of Venezuela, the Bromeliad Society of New York (nybromeliadsociety.org), and a Singapore Nursery now have web sites with links on the Council site. Pictures of the Mother’s Day Sales of Central Florida are now posted. Discussion was held about an offer by Oscar Riberio in Brazil to import Orthophylum helenicae pups for the Council to sell at the World Bromeliad Conference. Karen suggested that Michael Andreas, Tom Wolfe, and Ed Prince look into the logistics of importing plants, picking up in Miami, shipping, and etc. There was consensus to have them handle this proposal.
Newsletter Report: Len & Inez were not present.
Weevil Research Report:
Barbra Larson passed out a report (see attached). Al Muzell gave report on collecting trip with Ron Cave to Paraguay where they did not find evidence of the weevil. Al believes it may have been the wrong time of year. Al Muzzell presented a gift of plants to thank Barbra for all her work and to wish her well on her new job. The Council gave her thanks.
BSI World Headquarters: (Tom Wolfe)
The expansion project at Selby Gardens had been delayed but now is back on track. When the new building is finished the, BSI will have an office with a permanent BSI Secretary on site. All BSI records will be housed there, including membership. Discussion followed as to whether FCBS should make a token donation to show support for this project. Al Muzzell made a motion that FCBS donate $100 to be used toward the BSI. Headquarters Fund to let Selby Gardens know the Council is behind the project and supports the BSI. Tom Wolfe seconded the motion. After further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
Betsy McCrory asked Tom Wolfe why donations made to the BSI are not acknowledged by the BSI. Tom said this would be discussed at the next BSI Board meeting.
Extravaganza: (Bob Dalzell)
The Extravaganza is set for October 22 and 23 at the Florida Botanical Gardens, hosted by Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society. Inez Dolotwoski will do the mailing. Bob was advised to give the material to Inez for her to mail early.
Societies were reminded that they are each responsible for donating five bromeliads for the rare plant auction
Society Representatives Reports:
Karen Andreas (BSBC): New membership packets and the members’ supply store are well received. Central Florida are averages 50 members per meeting. The newsletter on line under Member Societies on the Council web site.
Moyna and Ed Prince (BSSF): Also having an influx of new members. They suggested that if a society is in need of programs, call the local Florida Extension service . They have a good program on Pest Control.
Jose Donayre (BSBC): Also reported an influx of new members.
Vicky Chirnside (CBS): Announced upcoming sale on October 30 and October 31, at Terry Park in Fort Meyers.
Al Muzzell (GBS): Gainesville has planted two test plots to see how well the bromeliads survive.
Jay Thurrott (FECBS): Also have new members – maybe because of newspaper announcements.
Bob Teems (BGTB): They have their show the third week of March 2005 at the Tampa Federation of Gardens Center.
Sudi Hipsley (Seminole): They had less than 15 members at their meeting, too few to have a plant show but on August 1st and 2nd will have a plant sale.
Member Survey: Roland Schnabel – one of the comments on survey Karen had generated was for the newsletter to have advertisements. A suggestion was to list every commercial grower with contact information. The listing would be free but a private seller could put in a paid ad. Central Florida publishes such a list in its newsletter. Ed Prince advised that the editors should be here to ask them if they were interest in doing this. Carolyn will check with Inez. This would be for full time commercial growers only.
2005 Extravaganza – no report
BSI Conference update: Tom Wolfe promoted attendance.
Host Societies for the remainder of 2004 –
Next meeting is October 9, hosted by BSSF. Let Moyna Prince know if you are going to be at next meeting. Contact her at moynap@aol.com
January 8th 2005 meeting will be in Sarasota.
Emailing newsletter – Carolyn Schoenau – After a discussion, Ed Prince moved that we not email the newsletter. All in favor – passed.
FCBS Membership List – Betsy McCrory – discussed printing membership list using one of our mailings. Betsy made the motion and Karen seconded. Discussed followed that we return to three regular newsletters and one with the membership list in the August issue. The motion passed unanimously.
Event Insurance – Betsy McCrory – Central Florida is having difficulty finding event insurance advised that is affordable. She asked if there was interest in trying to get insurance through the Council which would then provide the coverage to its member societies. Many societies do not need it so the idea is not feasible. Bob Danzell will try to help and will contact Betsy.
Weevil Committee: Al Muzzell said that there was a vacancy on the Weevil Committee and he reported that Jay Thurrott has replaced Nat DeLeon on the committee.
Quarterly Donation for BIC: - a motion was made for a $50 quarterly donation for BIC and was passed.
Ted & Peggy Nuse announced that at the end of the January 2005 meeting, they would be resigning. Chairman Carol Schoenau called for volunteers to fill the post – tabled until next meeting.
Tom Wolfe passed out a list of advantages of joining the B.S.I.
There being no more new business, the meeting closed at 4:15 PM.