
Affiliates Representatives Present: Tom Wolfe and Beverly Sisco (BGTB), Jose’ and Sara Donayre (BSBC) , Ben Klugh, Jr., and Lisa Robinette (BSCF), Patty Gonzalez and Mike Michalski (BSSF), Vicky Chirnside and Larry Giroux (temporary rep for this meeting) (CBS), Rick Ryals substitute for Calandra Thurott and Steven Provost(FECBS), Steve Littlefield and Kathy Risley temporary reps (FWCBS), Carolyn and Ron Schoenau (GBS), and David A. Johnson (SBS) and Sudi Hipsley and Kay Klugh (SBTPS). All 10 societies present.

Affiliate Representatives Absent: TBA (SBS).

Other Officials Present: Betsy McCrory (WBC Chair), Teresa Cooper (Weevil Project), Karen Andreas, Newsletter Editor, Michael Andreas, Webmaster and Ashley Graham and Susan Sousa (later appointed as FWCBS reps).

Guests: Bill McCrory (Life Member of BSCF), Sherolyn Rymal (Graphics Chair WBC), Ashley Graham (FWCBS).

The meeting was called to order by David Johnson, FCBS Chairman, at 1:00 p.m. at the Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church in Clearwater, Florida and he welcomed guests. This meeting was hosted by the Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society. David Johnson thanked the FWCBS for hosting the earlier meeting of the Chairs for Orlandiana 2012 as well as providing lunch for those individuals and the FCBS members.

MINUTES: The Minutes from the last FCBS meeting, dated January 14, 2012, were presented by Carolyn Schoenau. The only change to the Minutes was a correction in the spelling of the name Klugh. Motion was made by Vicky Chirnside and seconded by Steve Provost to accept the minutes. Motion passed unanimously.

Sudi Hipsley gave the Treasurer’s report noting that FCBS treasury had a balance in checking and money market as of 4/14/2012 of $23,094.75 (which includes $5,089.30 in the Weevil Fund). Sudi also mentioned that all Societies have paid their annual dues to FCBS except the Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay. The treasurer’s report was accepted as written. Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society sent a $1,175.00 check to FCBS as a donation. Larry Giroux will contact Betty Ann Prevatt to request a revised letter clarifying that the donated funds go to the FCBS only.

Betsy McCrory advised all 501C3 non-profit organizations to file a 990N form annually to the IRS. That is not mandatory at this time but is preferable to filing every three years (which might accidently be forgotten).

Rick Ryals completed the audit report of the FCBS records for 2011 and found everything in good condition. The report recommends that a better rate of return on Certificates of Deposits may be available at other FDIC providers and that this should be looked into to increase FCBS funds.

Webmaster report: Michael Andreas reported that new images are available on the website and that Singapore’s "Garden by the Bay" had requested and received permission to use Tillandsia photographs from the website for educational purposes in their gardens only with no commercial use. During the period 1/1/2011-12/31/2011 the website received a total of 12,572,030 hits (Dec 2011 totaled 899,876 totals). Logos of the affiliate societies were passed around. Don Beadle’s slides are in process of being included in the FCBS website. This will take some time to complete but will be a great resource of educational materials. Karen Andreas reported that she will be doing an interview with Don Beadle.

Newsletter: Karen Andreas passed out a list of FCBS affiliate representatives and FCBS officers for review and requested corrections made during the meeting and returned to her. Any nursery wishing to be listed in the Nursery Listing on the FCBS website, should forward their information to Karen before April 25. The deadline for the next Newsletter is April 15. Karen announced that the May issue will highlight Orlandiana 2012 information. It was mentioned that there will be no Extravaganza in 2012 due to Orlandiana 2012. It was also suggested that the August issue be used to promote Orlandiana 2012 and move the Roster issue to October instead. Karen announced that the FCBS now is on Facebook. You will need to set up an account to view and utilize the Facebook information.

Dr. Teresa Cooper gave the Weevil Report. A written report was handed out; it does not include information that Tillandsia utriculalta’s from Central America are being studied for differences between the Tillandsia utriculata’s found in the USA. The detailed report is on the FCBS.org.

BSI: David Johnson gave a synopsis of BSI information sent to him by Jay Thurrott. BSI has agreed to fund a bromeliad-related research project that will result in a published paper and is presently considering another research project. BSI is in the process of hiring a firm to develop a new website (the old one is showing its age) and they are actively seeking a new Webmaster and a new Membership Secretary. BSI is in the discussion phase of a proposal related to a World Headquarters (at Selby Gardens) and has approved funding a student research position through Selby. BSI is also preparing for their annual Board meeting during Orlandiana 2012. It was noted that BSI is now tax exempt.

Clone preservation project: There was no report. Steve Provost will contact Alan Herdon for a follow-up in this regard.

Vicky Chirnside reported that there will be a Judges School on July 21, 2012 including the final examination. There will be a makeup session at Orlandiana 2012; that may serve as School 1 for any new applicants. The schools are usually held on a Saturday approximately six months apart.

Kathy Risley reported that FWCBS has voted to hold the 2013 Extravaganza. They are presently considering several locations. FWCBS hopes to be able to report a location for the 2013 Extravaganza at the next FCBS meeting.

Possible locations for 2014 Extravaganza: This was tabled for the next FCBS meeting.

Betsy McCrory reported on the Orlandiana 2012 Chairs meeting (held immediately before the FCBS meeting). We are in need of a Registration and Hospitality Chair and Betsy has temporarily taken over the duties of Banquet Chair. The latest draft of the Schedule of Events was distributed. Although the schedule is not final, it appears on the FCBS website. Plant Sale Rules are on the website. There will be approximately 20 commercial plant vendors and 20 crafts and other vendors. At this time, six have paid their refundable deposit. Exhibit space has been set as 10’ x 10’. It is possible that some could be as large as 20’ x 20’. The Conference will include an Art Show running concurrently with the Bromeliad Show. Tours to Leu Gardens (Sat, 9:00 am) and Osceola Environmental Center (Sat, 1:00 pm) will have a small charge for the buses set at $15 and Member Tours will be available to local homes with bromeliad gardens at no additional cost to registrants. Lisa Robinette requested information for Displays. Deadline for Ads in the Conference Program is July 15.

Karen Andreas requested information on the financial agreement between FCBS and BSI. Betsy pointed out that the BSI signed the contract for the Caribe Royale. A total of 605 room nights are estimated in that contract. A draft Letter of Agreement was sent in November by Ron Schoenau to the BSI for the financial split. The BSI’s response, which was just received by Betsy, states that the BSI and affiliates agreement was a 50%-50% split up to $10,000 profit and 93% BSI and 7% affiliates for any profit over $10,000. It was requested that a copy of that proposed Letter of Agreement and Jay Thurrott’s response (BSI), be distributed to the council prior to the next FCBS meeting (this has been distributed via email to FCBS by Ron Schoenau since the meeting). It was suggested that this agreement be placed on the Agenda for the next FCBS meeting. Much discussion ensued concerning this agreement, or lack thereof, and how to avoid this situation in the future. A motion was made that the President sends a letter to Jay Thurrott requesting that a meeting be held between FCBS and BSI concerning a contract (Betsy McCrory was asked to assist with the letter). Motion proposed by Carolyn Schoenau, seconded by Mike Michalski. Motion passed with no abstentions and one no vote by Sara Donayre.

Karen Andreas pointed out that Vendors were concerned that one particular vendor was getting preferential treatment by being allowed to give a Speakers Presentation on the plants that she would be selling. Betsy will handle this situation with the Speaker’s Chair and report back.

Affiliate news: The only item mentioned is that the show date for the Broward Garden Festival is the third weekend in March 2013. See FCBS.org website for Society Newsletters with other details.

The next FCBS meeting is scheduled on July 14, and will be hosted by the Bromeliad Society of South Florida. Additional details will be furnished at a later date. The following information was added at a later date to the minutes: "A Chairs meeting was held on June 9 at the home of Pepe and Sara Donayre in Hollywood FL, and the next Chairs meeting is now tentatively scheduled for July 7 in Orlando. More details to follow later."

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Carolyn Schoenau, Secretary