Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies


April 13, 2005

The April, 2005 meeting of the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies was hosted by the Seminole Bromeliad Society and held at the home of Nancy and Ed Hall. The meeting was called to order at 1:07p.m by Ed Hall. This was the second meeting of 2005.

Chairman - Ed Hall
Vice-Chairman - Vicky Chirnside
Secretary - Jay Thurrott
Treasurer - Sudi Hipsley

6 Societies were represented - Seminole Bromeliad Society, Florida East Coast Bromeliad Society, the Bromeliad Society of Central Fl., Gainesville Bromeliad Society, Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society, and Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society. 6 Societies not represented - Sarasota Bromeliad Society, Treasure Coast Bromeliad Society, Boca Raton Bromeliad Society, Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay, Bromeliad Society of Broward County, and Bromeliad Society of South Florida.

Secretary's report - accepted as corrected (incorrect Vice-Chairman was listed).

Treasurer's report - Sudi Hipsley reported that membership dues for the year had been received from 3 societies, all others are due now. Ed Hall reminded everyone that dues to the Council are $10 per society plus a $3 assessment per member. A current roster should be forwarded to the Treasurer with the dues. A financial statement was distributed current as of 4/5/05. The FCBS balance is $9,860.61 and the Weevil account balance is currently $18,748.30. A motion was made and the Treasurer's report and reconciliation of books was approved and accepted as presented. A question was raised concerning the tax reporting status of the Council with a response that the "trigger" for reporting purposes is yearly income rather than an account balance and the Council does not exceed that threshold limit. The motion was also made, seconded and passed unanimously to express the Councils gratitude to outgoing Co-Treasurers Ted and Peggy Nuse for their past services in this position.

Webmaster's report - Michael Andreas reported that he had looked into the possibility of a list server or email relay system for the Council. The cost would be $40-$50/year. The web site continues to be used for educational purposes by students and presenters of programs throughout the world. Permission continues to be granted for use of the website pictures when requested. Ed Hall reported that a letter had been drafted, reviewed by an attorney and sent to Bromeliadsrus, an unauthorized users of pictures on Ebay with some success (so far). Karen Andreas continues to monitor auctions to determine continued compliance. Questions were raised as to (1) if the Council would be pressed to sue, would financial losses (due to illegal used of website pictures) need to be established ? and (2) should a form letter be drafted for release for individuals requesting the use of web site pictures for educational purposes? The consensus was that these issues may need to be considered in the future.

Publications/Newsletter report - Nancy Hall reported that she had been unable to contact the Newsletter editor. Volunteers were called for to look into this situation and to take over the production of the newsletter, if necessary. Karen Andreas volunteered to work on the newsletter if another volunteer could be found to handle the necessary data-base of names and addresses. There was consensus for Karen to proceed. Jay Thurrott and Betsy McCrory offered to help. Ed Hall recommended that further discussion be deferred to the next meeting.

Weevil Research report - Dr. Howard Frank presented an updated report which cited the presence of Mexican weevils in Big Cypress National Preserve in Collier County (the first record of this) and throughout the Okaloacoochee Slough State Forest in Hendry County and Northern Collier County. There are still no reports of the weevil being found in the Everglades National Park. The weevil has also been confirmed in Merrit Island (Brevard County). Progress continues to be made overall on the weevil project and funding, at present, is adequate to continue the research. Al Muzzell was appointed as chair of the Weevil Committee to replace Ed Hall. Al appointed Dr. Howard Frank to be the third member of the committee.

Florida Judges report - the representative was not present, but Jay Thurrott reported that a successful judges school was conducted on March 5, 2005 at the home of the Donayres in Hollywood. Two students have now completed all five of the schools and are awaiting the examination that will likely be offered in September at a make-up school for students who had missed a previous school.

Society Reps. Reports on Activities -
The Seminole Bromeliad Society will be having a sale at the Sanford Garden Center on 4/16 and 4/17.
The Florida East Coast Bromeliad Society had an educational display at the Daytona Beach Flower Show from 3/17- 3/20 in Daytona Beach and had a successful sale in conjunction with the Volusia County Master Gardeners Spring Sale on 4/9. This was a half day sale and was very well attended.
The Bromeliad Society of Central Florida had a very good sale at the Leu Gardens Spring Plant Sale in Orlando's Leu Gardens. Their annual Mother's day show and sale will be held from 5/6-5/8 at the Fashion Square Mall rather than the Florida Mall this year.
The Gainesville Bromeliad Society held a sale recently in conjunction with the Kanapaha Gardens Spring Sale.
The Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society collected a record amount of money this year at their annual "evil weevil auction". This month is their birthday party celebration.

Extravaganza report - In the absence of representatives from the Sarasota Society, no report was presented. It was noted however, that an email had been distributed announcing the date of October 22nd for this event. The Council will pay for the printing and one time mailing of material for the Extravaganza. A volunteer to host the 2006 Extravaganza is requested.

New Business - Ed Hall presented his resignation as chairman due to his relocation out of state and appointed Karen Andreas as acting chairperson for the balance of the year, subject to confirmation at the next Council meeting (July).

Discussion took place regarding suggestions to assist societies that may have lost members and were having difficulties continuing. Karen Andreas distributed an updated Council contacts list as well as a contacts list to assist the societies in scheduling of their speakers programs. The Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay will be hosting the July meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.