Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies


April 13, 2002

Societies Present: Mark Havlik (Boca), Roland Schnabel and John Bankhead (BGTB), Eloise Beach, John Boardman (BSCF), Nat Deleon and Karl Green (BSSF), Vicki Chirnside and Larry Giroux (Caloosahatchee ), Jay Thurott (FECBS), Bob Dalzell (FWCBS), Carolyn Schoenau (JGBS), Terrie Bert and Inez Dolatowski (Sarasota), and Nancy Hall and Ed Hall (Seminole).

Others Present: Peggy and Ted Nuse (Treasurer) , Leonard Dolatowski (Newsletter), Karen and Michael Andreas (Webmasters), and Barbra Larson (Weevil Research) and Pat Crocker (Gulfstream Natural Gas).

Societies Not Represented: Broward and Treasure Coast.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair Terrie Bert at 12.48 p.m.

Gulfstream Grant: Pat Crocker gave a brief presentation about the $4,500 Gulfstream Grant that had been awarded to FCBS. She solicited additional requests to her company in the future.

Secretary’s Report: Terrie Bert asked if all had received copies of the Secretary’s report. Only minor spelling corrections were suggested. Ed Hall moved and Bob Dalzell seconded that the minutes be approved with those corrections.

Treasurer’s Report: Ted Nuse distributed a copy of the Treasurer’s Report as of April 1, 2002. FCBS balance was $2,013 and the Weevil balance was $27, 461. He reported that the following Societies had paid their membership dues as of that date: Boca Raton, BSCF, FECBS, FWCBS, Sarasota and Seminole. Those Societies unpaid are: BGTB, BSSF, Broward, Caloosahatchee, GJBS, and Treasure Coast. The rate is : $10 per society plus $3 for each member of that society. Ted asked that all unpaid societies please do so at their earliest convenience.

Webmaster’s Report: A written report was distributed. As of April 12, there have been 93,565 visitors to the Council site. A profile of Morris Henry Hobbs will soon be included and essentials of the taxonomic history and synonymies of hybrid bromeliads shown in the various cultivar lists. Many photographs have been added to the site and many additions, changes and links have been made or are in process.

Weevil Report: Barbra Larson distributed a written report and gave a summary of progress concerning the weevil. The weevil has now been observed in Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary and the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park. Phil Fenner has been added to the list of seed growers. The flash cards are not yet completed but the flip charts have been. It was moved by Ed Hall and seconded by Ted Nuse that FCBS authorize the





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Weevil Report (continued): printing of 500 copies of the flash cards. Discussion followed and the vote was taken. No dissentions. Carolyn Schoenau moved and Ed Hall seconded that FCBS will purchase 200 of the flash cards. Discussion followed, a vote was taken and there were no dissentions. Karen Andreas and Paula White will approve the sample summary poster and slides for the FCBS.

Extravaganza Report: Jay Thurott gave a brief report of the upcoming plans for the 2002 Extravaganzea. Location is the Daytona Beach Resort and Convention Center; room rate is $59 or $69 (the higher rate is ocean view); dates September 6 through 7, 2002; checkout on the 8th. Jay will furnish specifics to Inez Dolatowski to be published in the next FCBS Newsletter.

Displays at WBC 15: Roland Schnabel gave a presentation about society displays and exhibits for the upcoming world conference. Committed to date are five society displays and 11 exhibits. In additional, there will be commercial displays. Size is 6’ deep, 10’ high and 25’ length (that is the maximum length). Anyone who wishes is encouraged to put in a tabletop display. SetUp times are Tuesday – Thursday until 5:00 p.m.

WBC 15: Bob Dalzell reported that there were over 300 registrants for the conference.

Wally Berg Award: Terrie Bert gave a report of the nominees for the Wally Berg Award and reported that the BSI Board is voting or will very shortly vote for the winning candidate.

Judges School: Terrie Bert reported that there would be a judge’s school during the WBC 15. This will be School #1. The cost is $15 and anyone interested in taking the school should contact Betty Ann Prevatt. Students accepted up until a week before the conference. Students are asked to bring two Aechmeas for the judging portion of the school.

WBC 15 Artistic Arrangements: The theme for the artistic arrangements are Create Through the Snorkel’s Mask, On the Dry Dock, and Through Binoculars. Anyone wishing to enter this portion of the show should contact Maureen Frazel at 954 474 1349.

BSI Membership Drive Winners: Carolyn Schoenau reported that Florida was the winning region of the membership drive that began September 1, 2001 and ended February 28, 2002. Two names of persons joining this region during that period will be drawn at WBC 15 and awarded a bromeliad book each. The Florida directors will also be recognized at the conference for their good work in this effort.

Bylaws: It was noted that FCBS ByLaws had been recently revised and that no additional changes are needed at this time.



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Publication of FCBS Minutes: It was decided that the FCBS Minutes would be published in the most recent issue of the Newsletter without the full approval of the Board. The following disclaimer will appear: The FCBS Minutes as written below are in draft. The full Council has not as yet approved them. Any changes will be published in a future Newsletter. The Minutes will be drafted by the Secretary and approved by the Chair prior to forwarding to Newsletter Editor for publication.

Society Dues Payments to FCBS: During the treasurer’s report, it was pointed out how difficult this process seems to be. Societies have various fiscal years, which makes it hard to coordinate their dues payments to FCBS. Carolyn Schoenau suggested that Inez Dolatowski send a roster of society members (via email) to the FCBS Representatives for each Society. The Representatives would then be advised to correct the roster and return it to the next FCBS meeting with the Society payment for dues. The Chair and those present approved this process to be instituted immediately with all unpaid societies as of this date. In the future, this will be done on a regular basis in January of each year.

FCBS Representatives: Terrie Bert will notify the clubs that are underrepresented and encourage them to participate fully in the FCBS. .

Awards for Distinguished Service: This topic was tabled until a future meeting.

Mulford Foster Video: Eloise Beach asked if anyone knew the whereabouts of a narrative to match this video. It was the general consensus that there probably was not one.

Future FCBS Meetings: Seminole will host the July 13 meeting and the October 12 meeting will be hosted by the BGTB.

Adjourn: Nancy Hall moved for an adjournment and Vicki Chirnside seconded. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,



Carolyn Schoenau
