Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
April 12, 2003
Societies present:
Ted & Peggy Nuse (FEC, treasurer); Ken Marks (Boca Raton); Maureen Frazel& Polly Pascal (BSBC)’ Karen Andreas & Jerry O’Keefe (BSCF); Vicky Chirnside & Larry Giroux (CBS); Jay & Calandra Thurrott (FEC); Dr. Barbra Larson (Gainesville); Jean & Roland Schnabel (FWC); Adele King (TCBS); Nat DeLeon & Karl Green (BSSF) and Ed & Nancy Hall (Seminole).Others Present:
Mike Andreas, Web Master.Societies not represented:
Sarasota and Tampa Bay.Chairman Roland Schnabel called the meeting to order at 12:30PM. The host
Society, The Bromeliad Society of Broward County was thanked.
Roland Schnabel distributed an updated agenda. Larry Giroux made a motion to accept the agenda; Karen Andreas seconded the motion that was passed.
Ted Nuse presented the treasurers report. The present totals are: Weevil fund $15,379.30 and the general fund $4,754.06 for a total of $20,133.36. No checks were written this past quarter. Ted reminded the group that dues are past due. The fee is $10.00 per society and $3.00 per member. A copy of the membership roster is required also. Ted questioned who should be tracking the money from the field guide on native Florida bromeliads. Dr. Larson agreed to send Ted a tabulation of the amount of field guides sent to each society.
Mike Andreas submitted a report on the Web Site and mentioned it was relocated to a new server due to cost considerations. Payment of $148.40 was made to the webmaster. This pays for the setup on the new server and pays for the server space until March 10, 2004.
Inez Dolatowski sent copies of the FCBS roster for distribution to each society. Karen Andreas moved to require the month and year on the cover of the Quarterly, Ed Hall seconded the motion and it was passed. Jay Thurrott moved and Karen Andreas seconded a motion to thank Inez and Leonard for the excellent first issue of the 2003 Quarterly. Motion was passed after some very positive discussion.
Dr. Larson presented a lengthy report on the weevil research. An 18-page final report was submitted for the FCBS contract with DPI. This report is available on the FCBS web site. A letter was submitted to Gulfstream with samples of the various items produced under the grant. This completes all obligations on grants received by FCBS. The weevil is now present in Brevard County north of Melbourne. The weevil research is presently funded by several grants. The $54K state funds may cease due to state of Florida budget cuts. Dr. Larson reiterated that now is the primary seed collecting time. If you want to participate, contact her.
Polly Pascal and Maureen Frazel reported that Judges school #3 will be held in Ft. Myers on May 31. Each society and potential enrollees were notified. Anyone interested in becoming a judge may begin with this school. Contact Polly immediately. School #2 will be held next year at the World conference.
Karl Green indicated that the BSSF will probably host a 2003 Extravaganza at the Miccosukee Indian Village. The BSSF expects to announce the final decision within a couple of weeks.
A lengthy discussion occurred on the attendance at FCBS meetings due to conflicts. Several suggestions were put forth. They are: 1) All societies should plan ahead by about 1 year and put show dates on web site. 2) Send alternates if the regular reps are not able to attend.
Concern was expressed by several attendees for the lack of informing the local societies of the details of the FCBS meetings. Two suggestions made were: 1) Reps should take notes and plan to tell the attendees at the next society meeting the highlights. 2) Karen Andreas volunteered to write a press release on the FCBS meeting to assist local societies in getting the word out better.
Ed Hall made a motion to drop the Carol Johnson Distinguished Service Award effort and suspend the committee. Motion was seconded by Peggy Nuse and passed unanimously.
Karen Andreas distributed a survey form that will be sent to all FCBS members in the newsletter. Results are expected to be available by the fall meeting.
Roland Schnabel announced that the July FCBS meeting will be hosted by the Bromeliad Society of Central Florida and held at the home of John Boardman.
The meeting was adjourned and 2:30PM
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Hall, Secretary