APRIL 11, 2009
Renaissance Orlando Hotel Airport
Orlando, Florida
Chairman, Juan Espinosa Almondovar called the meeting to order at 12:35 PM. Since the hotel lunch was delayed, Juan asked Betsy McCrory, 2009 Extravaganza Chairman, to report on the Extravaganza and give us a brief tour of the hotel.
Betsy introduced Bob Smedley as the Co-Chair, Dean Fairchild as Speakers Chair, and Carolyn Schoneau as Sales Co-Chair. The hotel has been recently remodeled and after touring through the venue, everyone was favorable impressed with the guest rooms as well as the other space that we will be utilizing. Registration is set at $50.00 per person, which include the Friday evening desert reception and the Saturday evening banquet and rare plant auction. All vendors will be encouraged to contribute at least one plant to the auction. Parking is $7.00 per day for registered guests and $5.00 for the day guests. The meeting was then adjourned for lunch.
Juan brought the meeting to order again at 2:20 PM. The lunch was served by the hotel and provided by the Bromeliad Society of Central Florida.
A roll call was taken by way of introductions and it was found that all societies were represented so a quorum was established.
Present were:
Tom Wolfe |
Sara & Jose Donayre |
Betsy McCrory, Vice Chairman |
Bob Smedley, B. Dean Fairchild, Sudi Hipsley, Treasurer |
Juan Espinosa Almondovar, Chairman |
Michael Michalski |
Deborah Booker |
Tom Foley |
Carolyn Schoenau |
Calandra Thurrott, Jay Thurrott, Steven Provost |
Brian Corey |
Linda Sheetz |
Ron Schoenau |
Barret Bassick |
David A. Johnson |
Jerry O’Keefe |
Mark Peters |
UF |
Ronald Cave, Weevil Report |
FCBS Web site |
Karen Andreas, Editor Michael Andreas, Webmaster |
Amendments to the January l0th meeting: (1) Add list of attendees. (2) Barret Bassick moved that Betsy McCrory be established as auditor, seconded by Michael Michalski. Motion passed. Minutes were approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: Sudi Hipsley submitted a report which showed year-to-date income $2,217.32, a year-to-date expense of $1,145.00 and a total accounts balance of $21, 975.00. She also announced that the Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society donated $933.00 to the weevil fund, which is not reflected in her quarterly report. Juan thanked CBS for their generosity.
Audit Committee & Betsy McCrory reported that all financial records were correct and in proper order.
Web Site: Michael Andreas stated that he has been receiving emails from Geoff Lawn, the new cultural registrar, with new cultivar updates. Michael said that he continues to catch up with the backlog of pictures.
Newsletter: Karen Andreas reported on the trials and tribulations of controlling people from using photos from our website for commercial purposes. Karen set April 20th as the deadline for articles to be published in the May issue.
Michael and Karen request that only the changes to the affiliates rosters be sent in such as additions, deletions or corrections before July l, 2009.
Weevil Report: Dr. Ron Cave reported that the weevil has now been found as far north as Volusia County. Funding has been slightly cut for the weevil research project. The good news is that it was a slight cut. Predatory flies continue to be released apparently every three weeks.
Old Business: Juan has sent a letter to Dr. Terrill Nell at the University of Florida requesting assistance in obtaining a list of Colleges and Universities in Florida that offers majors and/or courses in horticulture, landscaping or landscape architecture. This is in hopes of sharing bromeliad cultural information with students interested in these subjects.
Education Committee: Linda Sheetz, Chairman of the Education Committee resigned as Chair. Calandra Thurrott agreed to resume this responsibility. Some suggestions for this committee:
Karen Andreas will conduct research on copywriting the name of "Extravaganza."
BSI Judges School now has eight potential students but they need a minimum of 16 to start.
BSI Report: Jay Thurrott disturbed the agenda for the 2010 World Bromeliad Conference in New Orleans, La. The BSI is looking for event sponsors such as the international reception. Jay mailed 34 letters to non-renewals of BSI membership.
All society representatives reported on their current events and projects.
Motion to adjourn, all seconded it, motion passed and adjourned at 4:37 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Wolfe, Secretary