Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies


April 10, 2004

Societies Present: Betsy McCroy & Karen Andreas (BSCF); Jay Thurrott & Calandra Thurrott (FECBS); Michael L. Andreas (Web Master): Maureen Frazell & Bill Frazell (Broward); Roland Schnabel & Bob Dalzell (FWCBS); Bob Stickney (Sarasota);Ed & Moyna Prince (BSSF); Vicky Chirnside & Dale Kammerlohr (CBS); and Carolyn Schoenau (GBS).

Societies not represented: Seminole, Tampa Bay, Treasure Coast, and Boca Raton.

Chairman: Carolyn Schoenau

Vice Chairman: Roland Schnabel

Secretary: Vicky Chirnside

Treasurers: Ted & Peggy Nuse

Call to order: Chairman Carolyn Schoenau called the meeting to order at 1:11 PM at the home and greenhouses of Michael & Donna Kiehl and hosted by the Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society.

Chairman Carolyn Schoenau called for additions to agenda as follows:

1. Identification Center at Selby Gardens.

2. New BSI Building.

3. Clerks for World Conference.

4. BSI Directors.

Society Representatives reported on happenings and upcoming events in their area:

April 17 – 18 Broward County Bromeliad Society Show

Heritage Park

May 1 – 2 Bromeliad Society of South Florida Show and Sale

Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami

May 7 – 9 Bromeliad Society of Central Florida Show and Sale

Florida Mall, Orlando

June 25 – 27 Sarasota Bromeliad Society Show and sale

Selby Gardens Botanical Gardens, Sarasota

Oct. 22 – 23 Extravaganza hosted by Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society

Suncoast Gardens, Clearwater

Secretary’s Report: (Vicky Chirnside). After revisions correcting the Vice Chairman’s name from Roland Schoenau to Roland Schnabel, the minutes of the January 10, 2004 Board Meeting were approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report: Ted Nuse distributed the Treasurer’s Report. He stated that as of April 9, 2004 the combined accounts total $24,225.24 with $5,886.94 in the General Fund. He also reminded everyone that both dues and rosters are past due. He also asked if we should continue to send $100.00 to the ID Center. Maureen Frazell moved, Bob Dalzell seconded. Motion passed.

New BSI World Headquarters (Part of Selby Gardens New Construction): Donations to the New World Headquarters was discussed. There being no information available, Maureen Frazell moved to have a committee check on this and report back at the next meeting. Michael Andreas volunteered to check on this and work with Ted Nuse and come back with recommendations.

Bob Stickney seconded and motion passed.

Webmaster Report: See attached Report.

The main subject of the discussion was the illegal use of eleven pictures from Ebay. Ken Marks (BSI Webmaster) brought the issue of pictures on Ebay to Michael’s attention. Michael and Karen are monitoring the auctions on Ebay. Ebay removed the pictures because of copyright infringements. The same seller plus others continued to pirate pictures. Ebay invited us to sign up for a program that protects intellectual property rights and copyrighted material called VeRO, it offers a streamlined process for removing pirated pictures and other features.

Newsletter: The Editors were not present but a general request was made that all up to date Rosters be sent to Len and Inez Dolotowski.

Weevil Report: Karen Andreas distributed the Weevil Report and passed out a notice that she hands out at shows.

Florida Judges Report: In Polly Pascal’s absence, Bill and Maureen Frazell reported that ALL new judges passed Point Scoring at the last symposium and there will be a judging school at the world conference and no doubt one in May or June.

There being no other committee reports, Carolyn presented Roland Schnabel with a plaque for his services as last years Chairman.

Old Business:

Karen Andreas reported on the FCBS Survey. (See attached).

Extravaganza 2004; Inez will do the official mail out so give all information to her. Roland asked to have the information printed in member’s newsletters. The date is October 22 and 23. A rare plant auction will be held on October 23. All information will be on the FCBS Website. The 2005 Extravaganza will be hosted by The Sarasota Bromeliad Society ( we have no information at this time).

New Business:

Host Societies for the remainder of 2004: Discussed changing Gainesville from October to July with Miami. So it is Gainesville will host on July 10 and The Bromeliad Society of South Florida will host on October 9.

Clerks for World Conference. Vicky Chirnside asked the societies if they would announce that Clerks are needed for the World Conference and to contact her.

The subject of an ad for the World Conference Program was discussed. A full page ad is $170.00. Jay Thurrott made the proposal and seconded by Moyna Prince. Motion passed. Michael and Karen will design the ad.

Nominations for the BSI Board of Directors are being accepted until April 15. Jay Thurrott has been nominated but we still need one more. Nominations for the BSI President are also open. Anyone may be nominated as long as they have served one term as a director. The BSI Board will elect the President.

Special Thanks was given to Donna and Michael Kiehl for hosting this Council Meeting.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 2:40 PM

Respectfully submitted

Vicky Chirnside, Secretary