Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
April 8, 2006
The April meeting of the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies was hosted by the Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society and held at the home of Larry Giroux. The meeting was called to order at 1:10pm by Chairperson Vicky Chirnside. This was the second meeting of 2006.
Roll Call. 9 Societies were represented: Seminole Bromeliad and Tropical Plant Society, by Sudi Hipsley; Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society, by Linda Sheetz; Florida East Coast Bromeliad Society, by Carolyn Schoenau and Calandra Thurrott; Sarasota Bromeliad Society, by Bob Stickney; Gainesville Bromeliad Society, by John R. Moxley; Bromeliad Society of Central Florida, by Karen Andreas and Bob Stevens; Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society, by Vicky Chirnside and Deb Booker; Bromeliad Society of Broward County, by Jose and Sara Donayre; Bromeliad Society of South Florida, by Ed and Moyna Prince. Vice-President Jay Thurrott was present.
Guests Diane Molnar, Betty Ann Prevatt and Ron Cave, were introduced.
- Secretary’s Report: Chair Vicky Chirnside requested attendance section to include names of representatives. The Report was accepted.
- Treasurer’s Report: Sudi Hipsley provided the financial statement as of April 8 with a total balance of US $ 25,233.13 of which US$ 10,120 corresponded to the Council and US$ 15,112.30 to the Weevil Fund account. All Society dues had been paid with the exception of the Broward County Society. Jose Donayre indicated that a check for US 127.00 had been issued.
- Webmaster’s Report: Michael Andreas informed that several newsletters are being posted monthly on line. Those Societies wishing to be included should submit them using Word or PDF files. Photos continue to be added for a current total of about 15,000. Continuing surveillance of illegal use of website illustration indicate the incidents on e-Bay are declining. However, there have been instances of such use at eBay Australia and Trademe.com in New Zealand. Uncle Derek has been requested to help and it is expected that the last two will send the names of users and buyers involved. In such instances Karen sends an e-mail letter even if eBay may have notified them. If there is no correction a stiff fine is threatened. Karen Andreas read an e-mail sent to a seller on eBay Australia with a cease and desist warning which was acknowledged by the seller.
The actual costs of the website– domain and service – have been paid to 2009 at the rate of about US$ 90.00 per year.
- Newsletter Report: New rotation schedules were distributed in view of the Boca Raton Society withdrawing from the Council. The first issue of the year contained the amendments to the Bylaws ensuring timely procedure. The expenses of US$ 735.52 corresponds to printing costs only. At present, 650 reports are distributed. Concerns about a decline in membership across the board were brought up. In some cases, lack of compatibility in deadlines for dues may be responsible.
- Weevil Research Report: Ron Cave introduced two of the interns working with him and requested a $ 5,555 installment by the end of the month. The Weevil Committee had been authorized to release the funds and the Council approved continuing the authorization.
Highlights from the report were that 83% of flies were being obtained from the ones received from Honduras against the 90% expected; F1 generation flies show good survival rates; when received, they are taken for safe rearing to a maximum controlled holding space for one generation; and successful parasitization occurred out of maximum security. A release permit application is expected to be submitted this fall for release during fall of 2007.
- Florida Judges Report: Betty Ann Prevatt informed the Council that Jay Thurrott and Steve Hopping had passed their Judges examination. She presented Jay with his Judges Certificate and indicated that Steve had received his previously.
- BSI Report: Arrangements for the San Diego Conference are on course; all Committees had been formed with Chairs from several Societies and the Chairman selected. A local general Chair is still to be appointed. The Membership Secretary had resigned and Ed Doherty will cover in the meantime. There is a need for donations for the Rare Plant Auction. Any information on this matter should be addressed to Mary Whittemore. The Floribunda National Growers Association Show in Utah will be held at the same time and some important commercial outfits will miss the Conference. It being simultaneous with the Conference it may create some problems.A new editor for the BSI Journal, Andrew Flower, has been appointed. It is expected that with the next three issues ready, in line, the Journal will be soon on a regular schedule.
- Societies Report Activities:
Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society: Diane Molnar presented the Council with a check for US $ 1,962.00, the result of a benefit auction, to be distributed 50/50 between the Weevil Fund and the Website. In view of the fact that both the Website as well as the Newsletter costs were covered, the decision was taken to leave the distribution at the discretion of the Council. The Council recorded its thanks to the Caloosahatchee Society. The Society informed that a donation of $500 had been made to the Tillandsia Seminar named for Gene McKenzie. A tour of the Fakahatchee Reserve is to take place on May 1st. Their Annual sale will take place on November 18-19 at Terrie Park. There will not be a Show this year.
The East Coast Bromeliad Society participated in the Federated Gardens Show, a large annual horticultural event at the Daytona Beach Convention Center held in March 18-19. It also participated in a very successful 4-hour master gardeners sale in Daytona Beach.
The Bromeliad Society of South Florida is having its Annual Show and Sale on April 22-23 at the Fairchild Tropical Gardens.
The West Coast Bromeliad Society participated in a sales event at the U. of Florida and is planning to participate at the Green Thumb event in St. Petersburg this month. It will have its annual auction on May 2nd.
The Sarasota Bromeliad Society has cancelled plans to have its show in June due to difficulties with Selby Gardens.
The Gainesville Bromeliad Society had a sale with a high turnout resulting in about $2,000 take up. It will be repeated in the future.
The Central Florida Bromeliad Society had a highly successful sale at Leu Gardens with receipts higher than last year. The Mother’s Day Show and Sale on May 12-14 will take place again at the Orlando Fashion Square. The possibility of developing an interactive website is being considered including a new membership package, a list of books and membership rosters.
Old Business:
- Seed project: Although Dennis Cathcart had expressed some interest, the matter has not been resolved. Karen Andreas will follow-up and report at the July meeting.
- By-Laws revision: The revisions were published in the February Newsletter and distributed in time for due process. The first proposal on the minimum requirement for attendance at the FCBS meetings was discussed and approved. The second one adopting a simple majority for voting was also approved.
- World Bromeliad Conference: Negotiations with Joyce Brehm, conducted by Ron Schoenau about the 2008 Conference to be undertaken by the Council on a multiple Society basis, have not been successful. At the same time, none of the possible participant Societies have expressed clear interest. Larry Giroux proposed that instead of negotiating with President Brehm, the issue should be officially raised at the next meeting of the BSI Board in June, including the resource distribution. A proposal is to be formulated by the Directors present at this meeting seeking a decision by the Board.
- Extravaganza 2006: Ed Prince informed that sellers must be members of an affiliate of the FCBS. Although this may be problematic for members of the Boca Raton Society, they could join other Societies. The Elton Leme book will be given to all those who register for one night at the Hotel and purchase two dinner tickets, will be available to all others for US$ 55.00. Ed mentioned that help will be needed for the rare plant auction in terms of auctioneers. He will contact Michael Kiehl and Inez Dolatowski with regard to the use of credit cards. The idea of an insert with information about the Extravaganza to accompany the Newsletter was supported.
- Extravaganza 2007: Jose Donayre had nothing to report yet.
New Business:
- Audit Report: Carolyn Schoneau summarized the Audit Report which found all accounts in order. The report suggested that accounting be done on a monthly basis to follow the bank statements and proposed some formats to be used. The Treasurer acknowledged the suggestions and the Chairperson thanked both.
- July 8, 2006 Meeting: It will be hosted by the Central Florida Bromeliad Society, location to be announced.
-Announcements: Helga Tarver will be recognized with a Special Award for her many years of work at the BSI Cultivar Registration but will not be present to receive it at the Conference. Instead, she will be presented with the award at the Florida West Coast annual auction on May 2nd where Michael Andreas would present the award on behalf of the BSI. Chair Vicky Chirnside will issue a letter acknowledging the work performed by Helga and congratulating her on behalf of the Council.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 pm.