Affiliates Representatives Present: Tom Wolfe (BGTB), Jose’ and Sara Donayre (BSBC) , Ben Klugh, Jr., and Lisa Robinette (BSCF), Patty Gonzalez and Mike Michalski (BSSF), Vicky Chirnside (CBS), Calandra Thurott (FECBS), John and Janet Bankhead (FWCS), Carolyn and Ron Schoenau (GBS), and David A. Johnson (SBS) and Sudi Hipsley (SBTPS). All 10 societies present.
Affiliate Representatives Absent: Harold Sisco (BGTB), No appointee (CBS), Steve Provost (FECBS), TBA (SBS), and George Aldrich (SBTPS).
Others Officials Present: Betsy McCrory (WBC Chair), Jay Thurott (BSI), Teresa Cooper (Weevil Project), and Carol Wolfe (WBC Photographer).
Guests: B. Dean Fairchild, Kay Klugh (wife of new BSCF President), Bill McCrory (Life Member of BSCF, and Rick Ryals (new President FECBS).
MINUTES: The meeting was called to order by Tom Wolfe, outgoing FCBS Chairman at 1:00 p.m. at the Colony in the Woods Clubhouse hosted by the Florida East Coast Bromeliad Society. Tom Wolfe thanked the FECBS for hosting the earlier meeting of the Chairs for Orlandiana 2012 as well as providing lunch for those individuals. Dave Johnson announced that former FCBS President, Al Muzzell has passed away, leaving his plants to be sold with proceeds to the Weevil Fund. Rick Ryals, new President of FECBS, announced that a $250.00 check from that society was being donated to the Weevil Fund in memory of Mr. Muzzell. Tom Wolfe thanked all the members of the Council for their assistance during his tenure as Chairman. The meeting was then turned over to David A. Johnson, new Chairman.
Dave Johnson welcomed guests. The Minutes from the last FCBS meeting, dated October 8, 2011, were presented by John Bankhead. Motion was made by Tom Wolfe to make two corrections on Page 1 changing Tom Wolfe’s name to Sara Donayre. Seconded by Sara Donayre and passed. Motion was made to accept the minutes as amended by Lisa Robinette and seconded by Carolyn Schoenau. Motion passed unanimously.
Sudi Hipsley gave the Treasurer’s report noting that FCBS treasury had a balance in checking and money market as of 1/14/2012 of $21,861.39 (which includes $4,839.30 in the Weevil Fund). Sudi also mentioned that all Societies had been billed for their annual dues to FCBS. It was noted that a portion of the proceeds from Orlandiana 2012 would go to the FCBS. The report is now filed for audit. Rick Ryals volunteered someone from FECBS to do the FCBS audit for 2011. Dave Johnson accepted and thanked him.
John Bankhead noted that the webmaster wanted to delete the Clone Project from the website. Jay Thurott suggested that Alan Herndon should be contacted concerning the Clone Project prior to deleting this item. Some discussion followed concerning what direction the FCBS wanted the website to take; no action taken.
Motion was made by Betsy McCrory and seconded by Mike Michalski that the Chairman would give permission to the Newsletter Editor to release the email addresses, mailing addresses and names of FCBS members to be used to promote related bromeliad events in Florida to all affiliate societies. Motion was passed with one abstention.
Dr. Teresa Cooper gave the Weevil Report. A written report was handed. Detailed report is on the FCBS.org.
Jay Thurott gave a report on BSI: Jay reported the Board is working to improve communication within its members. He acknowledged that website difficulties are being addressed as well. BSI has been working to have Selby fund a
student research project. This would be a part-time position and the student would be required to present a paper at the WBC. This student’s salary money would be paid by BSI to Selby since the position would be on Selby’s budget. BSI has also been working to establish a World Bromeliad Headquarters at Selby Gardens. Jay noted that Dan Kinnard has resigned as Membership Secretary; he will serve until a replacement is appointed. Once a headquarters is established, BSI will hire a part-time secretary directly supervised by Bruce Holtz but with responsibilities to the BSI Membership Secretary.
Vicky Chirnside reported that there will be a Judges School the weekend of January 21, 2012, in Ft. Lauderdale. There will be a makeup session at Orlandiana 2012; that will be School 1.
Calandra and Rick reported on the financial statement of the Extravaganza. This statement was distributed to members attending. Approximately 163 attended the banquet. There was a profit of $5,800.00. Advertisements were more than enough to fund the Program publication. 20% of sales of 26,000 went back to the FECBS. Everyone agreed that the Conference Program was very well done as was the show itself.
John Bankhead reported that the Extravaganza will be hosted by the Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort, in 2013. Kathy Risley and Brian Corey will coordinate this Extravaganza. John also reported that on April 14, 2012, the FCBS quarterly meeting will be hosted by the FWCBS and will be at the Sheraton Sand Key on Clearwater Beach, Florida.
Possible locations for 2014 Extravaganza: Gainesville Bromeliad Society, South Florida Bromeliad Society and Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society.
A plaque from Martha Goode, BSI Affiliates Societies Chair noting that the FCBS is now an affiliate member of the BSI, was passed around. It was decided that its ultimate home should be at the Headquarters in Selby as soon as it is established.
Betsy McCrory reported on the Orlandiana 2012 Chairs meeting (held immediately before the FCBS meeting). We are in need of a Registration and Hospitality Chair and a Banquet Chair. Peter Bak has made a donation of gift plants to be distributed at the banquet; this plant is the only bromeliad native to Africa; it is Pitcarnia feliciana. The newest draft of the Schedule of Events for the conference was distributed. Changes were made to the Tours, raffle hours, and speakers. Although the schedule is not final, it will be on the website. It was decided not to use bar codes; double sticks will be utilized for the sale. Plant Sale Rules are on the website. There will be approximately 20 commercial plant vendors and 20 crafts and other vendors. First option will go to vendors who were at New Orleans Georgia Orser is Chair of both vendor and member sales; contact her if interested in selling. Anyone wishing to enter the Poster sessions should contact Martha Goode. A figure will be calculated soon for an extra person charge for the banquet. A limit for Exhibits has been set at this time to 10’ x 10’. It is possible that some could be as large as 20’ x 20’. Those wishing to have larger space need to let their desires be known to Martha Goode, Affiliate Displays or Lisa Robinette, Commercial Exhibits. We will be looking into the possibility of having a concurrent art show along with Orlandiana 2012. Remember that if you put 3 or more registrations in an envelope, you can take a 10.00 discount (i.e., at this time $160.00 would be $150.00).
Affiliate Representatives reported society news, speakers and show plans. See FCBS.org website for Society Newsletters for details. Item of note is that there are three shows in Florida this year with conflicting dates April 21-22.
The next FCBS meeting will be in Clearwater Beach at the Sheraton Sand Key on April 14. The Chairs meeting will begin at 10:00 am.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Carolyn Schoenau, Secretary (dated 4/15/2012)