Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies


January 14, 2006

The January, 2006 meeting of the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies was hosted by the Bromeliad Society of Broward County and held at the home of Larry Searle. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by Vicky Chirnside.

New officers were recognized as follows: Chairman – Vicky Chirnside

Vice-Chairman – Jay Thurrott

Secretary – Sara Donayre

Treasurer – Sudi Hipsley

Roll Call – 9 Societies were represented: Boca Raton Bromeliad Society, Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay, Bromeliad Society of Broward County, Bromeliad Society of Central Florida, Bromeliad Society of South Florida, Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society, Florida East Coast Bromeliad Society, Gainesville Bromeliad Society, and Seminole Bromeliad and Tropical Plant Society.

Societies not represented: Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society, Sarasota Bromeliad Society, and Treasure Coast Bromeliad Society.

Ron Cave was present as a guest.

Vicky Chirnside expressed the Council’s appreciation to Larry Searle and the Bromeliad Society of Broward County for hosting the meeting.

Secretary’s report - accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report - Sudi Hipsley presented a financial statement showing a balance of $9,138.86 for the FCBS account and $15,112.30 for the Weevil account as of January 14,2006 for a total of $24,251.16It was noted that membership dues, $10 per society and $3 per household are to be received by April 1st. Report accepted as presented.

Webmaster Report - Michael Andreas reported low activity with a few more pictures posted and the intention to include societies newsletters in the website. As some Societies do have their own websites in different formats he could include them in the form of links if not compatible. As members societies make use of pictures from the website, proper credit to photographer and the website must be included. There is continuing watch over e-Bay to prevent illegal use of website pictures. There have been no major offenders in the last quarter and the two who had been warned have not done it again.

Newsletter Report – Carolyn Schoenau proposed a vote of thanks to Karen and Michael Andreas, Jay Thurrott and Betsy McCrory for the regular publication of the Newsletter.

The costs of printing for the four issues was $3,212.44. Mailing costs, including the Extravaganza notices are around $300. With the new bulk permit, costs per issue have gone down from 16 cents to 11 cents but an increase is expected as a result of the recent raise in postal rates. The permit, however, is subject to new regulation prohibiting advertising which could have been used to defray some of the costs.

Rosters from each society are due by April 1st. to allow publication of the state wide roster to be issued in August. They should be supplied in electronic form ready to import into the database. Societies should send additions to the list to ensure receipt of the newsletter. Additions are not subject to member charges.

Bromeliad sources, including State inspected nurseries, will be listed in the August Newsletter. Societies were requested to send information on these. Karen Andreas called for any articles or ideas on appropriate subjects. There will be a standing article on cultivation by Jay Thurrott, one by Terrie Bert and one on the weevil.

Weevil research Report – Ron Cave submitted a report with some very positive results. In northern Guatemala no weevils were found but on a mountain area four were found with one parasitiziced by a fly. With four shipments of fly pupparia from Honduras, laboratory conditions have been developed resulting in fly reproduction and successful parasitization of weevil larvae by fly maggots. There is a possibility then to develop generations of flies that will eventually be released in high infestation areas. This will need approval by the University of Florida, the State and the USDA.

An initial proposal to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has been rejected and another one is awaiting resolution from the Dept. of Interior.

Florida Judges Report - No report available.

BSI Report – Reference was made by Karen Andreas to the BSI Survey. Over 400 responses had been received from 25 countries but the data is still awaiting analysis. Preliminary information show responses coming mainly from Florida and from the 50 and over age group, consistent support for the Journal. A lack of awareness of services provided by the BSI website was apparent.

Society Representatives

-The Bromeliad Society of Central Florida starts the new year with a new slate of officers. It is planning to participate in the Leu Gardens Plant Sale in March. It also plans to have its Mother’s Day Show and Sale at the Orlando Fashion Square Mall.

-The Bromeliad Society of Broward County reported that members are recovering from hurricane Wilma. As it continues to attract new members it is also trying to maintain their interest particularly through using the Scurf newsletter. The Society will have to face the problem of venue charges for its 2007 Show and Sale.

-The Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay will hold its Show and Sale on March 4-5 jointly with the Tampa Federation of Garden Club Circles. The theme will be "A Patchwork of Bromeliads"

-The Bromeliad Society of South Florida will hold its annual Show and Sale on April 22-23 at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens. Added attraction is the exhibit of the glass sculpture works of Dale Chihuly running concurrently and until the end of May.

-The Florida East Coast Society reported it will participate in the Everybody’s Flower Show in Daytona Beach on March 16-19 with an educational display. It will also have a sales area in the Master Gardeners sale on April 1st.

-The Seminole Bromeliad Society changed its name to Seminole Bromeliad and Tropical Plant Society in order to expand participation. At the January meeting, the program was on flower arrangements using bromeliads among other plants.

-The Caloosahaatchee Bromeliad Society had a successful party for Christmas and is planning its plant sale in November.

-The Boca Raton Society reported that its members had a successful "dry walk" in the Fakahatchee in January.

Old Business – Two issues not voted on at the last meeting due to lack of quorum, came for decision at the present meeting:

-The Standing Rule on Annual Audit was approved with an addition as to the processing of any discrepancies found. Language were to be provided to the effect that the report would be directed to the Treasurer and Chairman to be resolved in 10 days and reported to the Council’s next regular meeting. Carolyn Schoenau received the documents from Sudi Hipsley for auditing the 2005 exercise.

-The Standing Rule proposed by the Weevil Committee by which any funds remaining in the event the project is terminated would revert to the general fund was approved.


No representative was present to report on the 2005 Extravaganza. Discussion centered on the difficulties created by the blocking of only 15 hotel rooms, the results of the auction and the donations received.

2006 Extravaganza. Ed Prince informed as to the current arrangements at the Miccosukee Resort where all functions will take place. De Roose will provide a special grown plant for participants.

2007 Extravaganza. Jose Donayre had no advances to report.

2008 Extravaganza. Tom Wolfe stated the issue had to be further discussed.

New Business:

-Seed Project. Karen Andreas informed that the Seed Project needs a new home as the space currently used at the Sanford nursery will be unavailable in six to months. The current space required is about 10ft but would need more as it grows. It would be possible to spread the collection among more that one site. Contact Karen or John Russell for more information.

-Quorum. Karen Andreas submitted a chart compiling attendance records from 2002 to 2005. Under current rules establishing quorum at nine members attending (3/4 of 12) seven of the sixteen meetings lacked a quorum. The convenience of revising the quorum to a simple majority was discussed and the decision was taken initiate the process of revising the by-laws.

Discussion ensued with regard to the situation posed by the Boca Raton Bromeliad Society which had not attended meetings the last two years. One of the problems was related to the fact that the Society was to take leading positions in the immediate years and the limited membership dues to the Council coming from a hundred member Society. Explanations were provided by John Irvine as to the lack of interest of their membership on bromeliads, their disinterest in institutional life and their opposition to selling or auctioning plants.

The decision was taken to propose an amendment to the by-laws to the effect that any Society missing three consecutive meetings will be advised officially by the Council and dropped if a fourth meeting is not attended.

-BSI Journal Collection. A full collection of BSI Journals,1975 to date, has been made available. Ron Cave proposed the Indian River Research and Education Center at the U. of Florida as the site for the collection. The council supported the proposal.

-World Bromeliad Conference 2008. Jay Thurrott reviewed the issue of the 2008 WBC and proposed that the Council discuss sponsoring the Conference, for which special arrangements would have to be made. The discussion focused on the fact that the major burden would always fall on the local society, the previous experience of Orlandiana where three societies collaborated, the need to apportion the work while maintaining coordination, the question of how to split the proceeds with the BSI and the convenience of holding the Conference every tree or even four years.The decision was taken to approach the BSI to negotiate the matter. Karen Andreas and Ron Schoenau were charged with the task

The meeting was adjourned by 3:35 pm.