Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies


January 13, 2007


Outgoing chairman Vicky Chirnside called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM; Jay Thurrott then took over as the chairman for 2007. The meeting was hosted by Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society.

Societies in attendance: Mike Michalski and Patty Gonzalez, South Florida; Tom Wolfe, Tampa Bay; Al Muzzell and John Moxley, Gainesville; Butch Force and Betsy McCrory, Central Florida; Sudi Hipsley and Claudia Walworth, Seminole; Vicky Chirnside, Caloosahatchee; Linda Sheetz and Brian Corey, Florida West Coast; Jose and Sara Donayre, Broward County; Jay and Calandra Thurrott, Florida East Coast. Also present were FCBS secretary Juan Espinosa-Almodovar, FCBS webmaster Michael Andreas; FCBS editor and parliamentarian, Karen Andreas; Howard Frank, Weevil Committee; Bob Neubauer, Gainesville. Absent were representatives from Treasure Coast and Sarasota.

There was one correction to the October minutes: under Secretary’s Reports, it was decided that reports will be mailed to the representatives (not the presidents) by the FCBS chairman to those who do not have email. Tome Wolfe made the motion to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Mike Michalski. Motion carried.

The treasurer’s report was received and filed for audit. Treasurer Sudi Hipsley reported a total accounts balance of $18,996.04. $4,500 was sent for support of the Research Station in Honduras in support of the weevil project.

Jay Thurrott appointed Betsy McCrory to perform the annual audit of the treasurer.

Karen Andreas said that the next Council newsletter will have the written notice for dues, as required by the Bylaws. She reminded representatives that the dues are due by April 1 and $10 per society plus $3.00 per address (not per name). Rosters are also due at the same time and need to be electronically transmitted to either her or Michael Andreas. New names will be accepted throughout the year for the newsletter mailing without extra charge. The $3.00 per address assessment does not cover all the newsletter expenses. The newsletter is underwritten by the Council through donations and the annual Extravaganza auction.

Michael Andreas presented the webmaster’s report. He is keeping up with the website and there is little backlog of photographs waiting to be posted. Recent photographs have included habitat pictures as well as various hybrids. Karen continues to monitor the illegal use of pictures from the Council site. A nursery in South Florida has used pictures twice, although Karen believes the second time was unintentional. Mike Michalski mentioned he knows the owner and will talk with him about it. A seller on a New Zealand site, Trademe.com, has used pictures seven times. Karen asked for permission to send a strong letter to the website and that was approved. Charles Dills also used a page from the Council site without attribution but removed it when it was brought to his attention. Al Muzzell asked if he took a picture that was posted on the Council site and subsequently wanted to use his own picture for commercial purposes, would that be permitted. Karen responded that since he owned the copyright, he could use the picture as he sees fit. The Council acts only as the agent for these pictures when protecting the copyright and intellectual property rights.

Karen gave the newsletter report. The next newsletter will be printed in February. She is looking to continue the society profiles, short articles about how societies got started. Tom Wolfe is providing a substantial article on cold hardy bromeliads and Jay also has another article in this issue.

Karen also distributed the information packet for Council representatives with the bylaws, meeting and officer rotations, and contact lists among the information in each folder.

Dr. Howard Frank provided a written weevil report. The quarantine colony is doing quite well. Dr. Frank is preparing the applications to the appropriate state and federal agencies to release the fly as a biological control agent for the Mexican bromeliad weevil. Theresa Cooper has graduated and continues to be a valuable member to the research group. Jay asked about funding her position and Dr. Frank replied that some funds are coming from the South Florida Water Management District as well as from Ron Cave’s budget.

Jay mentioned that there appears to be a shortage of BSI judges and asked the Council for ideas of what it may be able to do. Representatives thought it was a BSI issue and, beyond coordinating shows to try to eliminate scheduling conflicts, there really was little the Council could do.

The BSI annual board meeting will be held this summer in New Orleans. Sara Donayre was looking for BSI membership information. The new BSI membership chairman is Dan Kinnard. Everyone thought that the new BSI editor Andrew Flower is doing a great job. The new Journal is an improvement and has a lot of appeal with the new format.

Societies reported on their groups and activities:

Florida East Coast Society is holding elections January 14. In March, Everybody’s Flower Show will be held at the Daytona Ocean Center. FECBS will also be participating in the Volusia County Master Gardeners Spring Sale. Member Richard Temple passed away late last year; his collection of plants will be sold at this event, on March 31.

Broward County Society will hold elections in May and present its Annual Show and Sale on April 14 and 15 at the new location of Trinity Lutheran Church on Las Olas Boulevard.

BCS will hold the 2007 Extravaganza on September 29, 2007

Bromeliad Society of South Florida, somewhat rested from an exciting and successful Extravaganza in 2006, is already preparing for its Annual Show and Sale at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden on April 21 and 22. The many works of Dale Chihuly, whose glass sculptures and installations dispersed throughout the Garden are a strong incentive to attend also put on quite a show on their own! The next FCBS meeting will be hosted by this society. BSSF’s president, Sandy Roth, was celebrated and applauded for her unstinting efforts and leadership at every turn. She serves by example and always inspires others to pitch in and participate. Brava!

The Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay will hold a Botanical Sale in April.

Gainesville Bromeliad Society: The Spring Garden Festival, a two day event, will be presented on March 24 and 25. This society will host the July meeting for FCBS.

Bromeliad Society of Central Florida: BSCF is planning yard tours to see what everyone is growing. Members of the society have been invited to participate in an upcoming sale in Mount Dora. This spring, two major sales are coming up: Leu Gardens and the annual Mothers Day Show and Sale.

Caloosahatchee: The new board will meet on January 15. Vicki Chirnside reported a very successful plant sale in November 2006! New officers were installed during their Christmas part, held at member Betty Burkette’s house.

Seminole Bromeliad Society held a successful Christmas luncheon and visit to the Central Florida Zoo in Sanford.

Florida West Coast Bromeliad Society installed new officers. Its annual auction is the first Tuesday in May.

Under Old Business, Weevil project seedlings are doing too well! There are 10,000+ seedlings on hand and ready for distribution/installation once evidence establishes weevil population has been adversely affected by flies used as biological control. Could seedlings be dispersed to other growers as they grow larger? A question for consideration: Which is the best option; plant placement or seed dispersal? Should seeds be requested from areas not included in first effort?

Jose Donayre reported on the 2007 Extravaganza, hosted by Broward County Bromeliad Society at the Hilton Hotel, by the Fort Lauderdale Airport. The event will be on the second floor of this no-smoking, child friendly location with space for twelve vendors. Jose Donayre shared some of his strategies to secure sponsors and contributions from the immediate community, including business that regularly sell supplies to growers and plant amateurs. Jose also appealed for help from the council at large and quoted Ed Prince’s previous commentary on the occasion of last year’s extravaganza: "The local society is the host, but the Extravaganza is the Council’s event." Seminars will be part of the program to attract and entertain visitors to this year’s event.

Karen has been working with the Queensland Bromeliad Society on purchasing the new bromeliad book. Jay took an informal count of how many books each society thought it would want. The total was 450 copies. Tom Wolfe made a motion to purchase 500 copies for distribution, at cost, to the FCBS affiliated societies. Several members offered praise for this book. Karen will work with Jay and Sudi to get the order arranged with Queensland.

Linda Sheetz asked for ideas about getting newsletter editors. Florida West Coast just lost their editor. Suggestions included involving more than one person in the process, getting help from graphics design departments at local schools. Karen suggested that the FCBS could step in on a limited basis as a service to its affiliated members. (Karen would handle this.)

Two societies have now reached the point where they have not fulfilled the attendance requirements of the Bylaws. According to the Bylaws, after a society has missed three meetings in a row, the chairman must send a letter in writing to the society’s president to remind them not to miss four consecutive meetings or their membership will be terminated. Jay will contact and send letters to Treasure Coast and Sarasota.

Motion was made to adjourn at 4:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Juan Espinosa- Almodovar

Starting With Bromeliads – informal tally of requests by societies

Tampa            20*
Broward          100
Central Florida  100
South Florida             50
Caloosahatchee   100
Florida East Coast        20
Gainesville               20

*Later amended to 100