
Affiliate Representatives Present: (BSTB) H.T. Sisco and Tom Wolfe, (BSCF) Lisa Robinette and Ben Klugh, (BSSF) Patty Gonzalez and Mike Michalski, (CBS) Vicky Chirnside, (FECBS) Rick Ryals, (FWCBS) Ashley Graham and Susan Sousa, (GBS) Chris George, (SBS) David Johnson, (SBTPS) Sudi Hipsley and Kay Klugh.

Affiliate Representatives Absent: (BSBC) Jose Donayre and Sara Donayre and (FECBS) Calandra Thurrott.

Other Officials Present: Jay Thurrott (BSI), Teresa Cooper (Weevil Project), Karen Andreas (Newsletter Chair), Michael Andreas (Webmaster).

Guests: Francisco Cardoso (FWCBS)

The meeting was called to order by David Johnson, outgoing FCBS Chairman, at 1:00 p.m. at the First Methodist Church of Sarasota. The meeting was hosted by the Sarasota Bromeliad Society. There was some question as to who would be secretary and vice chairman for the 2013 year since the GBS representative did not have 6 month service required to be an officer. Ashley Graham moved that FCBS waive the requirement in order that the established rotation would not be altered. The motion was seconded by Michael Michalski and unanimously passed. GBS, Chris George, will fill the Vice Chairman position and SBTPS, Kay Klugh, will fill the Secretary position. David Johnston then turned over the meeting to Ashley Graham, new Chairman.

Members and guest introduced themselves and Ashley Graham named Karen Andreas as parliamentarian. Karen stated that we had a quorum. Karen then gave an orientation to the role of FCBS.

The Minutes from the last FCBS meeting, dated October 13, 2012, were approved unanimously after a motion to accept the minutes by Rick Ryles and second by David Johnson.

Sudi Hipsley gave the Treasurer’s report noting that FCBS treasury had a balance in checking and money market as of January 12, 2013, of $21,377.29 (which includes $4689.30 in the Weevil Fund). Sudi noted that there was a deficit for the year of 2012. The report was filed for audit. Rick Ryles was named to do the FCBS audit.

Karen Andreas had a question regarding standing rule 4 in that the former Mulford Foster Identification Center has changed its name to Mulford B Foster Bromeliad Research Center. She doesn’t know if its purpose has changed. Jay Thurrott clarified the issue by adding that the Center’s purpose is no longer just to identify bromeliads. It is now more general. Tom Wolfe suggested FCBS change the name to Bromeliad Research Center in standing rule 4. Karen added there are ramifications in just changing the name and that is not sufficient. FCBS needs to change the purpose of its donation. David Johnson suggested that the matter be held until the next meeting to see what has transpired at Selby Gardens. FCBS should get a written response from them. He moved to table the question. Ashley Graham recommended that FCBS cease its quarterly payments to the Center also. Ashley will contact Selby Gardens regarding this issue for later discussion.

Webmaster: Michael Andreas reported he has renewed the website with Network Solutions for $197.71. He reported that last year there were 218,000 unique visitors to the website with around 13 million hits. New pictures were added at the end of the year with lots of new hits. Don Beadle is still taking pictures. Michael has posted over 1000 pictures in the photo index. Michael Kiehl and Lisa Vinzant are also sending photos of hybrids.

Oscar Robiero from Brazil continues his ongoing report on bromeliads and their habitats and human communities in Brazil. Michael has received a CD with 400 pictures. They are stunning, never seen before photos.

Ashley suggested that we should check out the website.

Newsletter: Karen Andreas passed out a list of FCBS representatives and FCBS officers for review and requested corrections made during the meeting and returned to her. She reported that the newsletter in November 2012, contained a reprint of Dr. Larry Giroux’s memories of Harry Luther, and the February 2013, issue will contain a list of shows for the year. Karen asked that the month of the sales/shows be given to her to be posted on the FCBS page. Any nursery wishing to be listed in the Nursery Listing in the May 2013, issue should forward its information to Karen. Karen stated that she will be putting past issues of the newsletter on the website. The newsletter containing the roster will be sent in- state only and will not be online. She plans to get the past issues online this year. There was discussion as to whether the newsletter should be offered only online. Ben Klugh made a motion that the newsletter be put on FCBS website after 6 months, except for roster edition. This motion was seconded by Mike Michalski and was approved. Susan Sousa suggested that FCBS representatives poll members of the different clubs as to whether they prefer e-mail newsletters or newsletter by regular mail. Jay Thurrott seconded the motion made by Susan Sousa . After discussion, the motion carried with 1 opposed.

Weevil Research: Dr. Teresa Cooper gave the Weevil Report. She indicated they had received a shipment of wild flies from Honduras to invigorate the laboratory colony. She provided a written report.

Clone Preservation Project: Jay Thurrott indicated that there is no report. Alan Herndon, who has best information, was unable to come to the meeting.

Judges School: Vicky Chirnside indicated that there is no report. Only 1 person has signed up for a new school. There was a question regarding a new manual. It has not been officially printed. It is up to BSI as to when it will be out.

Other: Jay Thurrott reported that the Palm Beaches Bromeliad Society is interested in joining FCBS. They have around 100 members. Karen Andreas indicated the eligibility requirements are in Article 3 of the By-Laws and must have 10 members. Ashley will contact.

World Conference Report: Lisa Robinette provided a report for Betsy McCrory. Ed Doherty, BSI Treasurer, is not finished with the reconciliation of the expenses, but he believes FCBS will probably make around $6000. We have not yet received the check. FCBS did not outlay any monies for the conference. Betsy thanked all the FCBS members for helping make the World Conference one of the best. All comments indicated everyone enjoyed themselves. All FCBS members have now been reimbursed for funds expended. Jay Thurrott indicated there is difficulty in getting the money and recording to match. David Johnson suggested that leaders sit down or write down positives and negatives.

Extravaganza 2013: Susan Sousa reported that there is a place and date for the Extravaganza. She provided cards for each representative to take to members, indicating that it will be held on September 21, 2013, at Indian Rocks Beach in Tampa Bay, Florida. Susan asked for suggestions for speakers. She reported the event will be a 2 day event. The hotel rooms at Holiday Inn Harborside run between $109 to $129, and it has free parking and internet. Karen Andreas stated that the notebook containing information about past Bromeliad Extravaganzas is missing. Ashley asked that representatives go back to each society and see if someone has the notebook.

Extravaganza 2014: There is a tentative proposal that the 2014 Extravaganza be hosted jointly by SBTPS and GBS and will be a one day event. This will be revisited during the next meeting.

Seed Collection Project: Lisa Robinette posed a question regarding the status of the seed collection project, where because of loss of diversity because of the weevil, seed was collected and sent to three sources. The only source known was the Sanford Zoo. No one knows the status.

New Business: Rick Ryals will audit the books. Karen Andreas proposed an amendment to Standing Rule 12. Rick Ryals motioned that the amendment be accepted. Sudi Hipsley seconded the motion and it was passed. Standing Rule 12 now reads:

  1. The Council must have a signed contract between all parties for any special event, such as a World Conference, requiring any financial commitment on the part of the Council.
  2. Such contract will be negotiated by the Council Chairman or the Chairman’s designee(s), who is approved by the Council, and must be ratified by the Council at a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting.
  3. Given that the operating and financial terms and responsibilities are spelled out in Standing Rule 8, the Bromeliad Extravaganza is specifically excluded from this rule.

Motion was made by David Johnson to provide a $100 gift card to Ron and Carolyn Schoenau for their service to FCBS. The motion was seconded by Mike Michalski. Karen Andreas will get the card.

Seminole Bromeliad and Tropical Plant Society is scheduled to host the next meeting. Ben Klugh made a motion that SBTPS will host and pay for the meeting and Bromeliad Society of South Florida will find a meeting place in Miami for the meeting. Mike Michalski seconded the motion. After discussion, it was decided that this proposal will be discussed with the affected clubs. Further information will follow.

Club News: Affiliate Representatives reported society news, speakers and show plans. See FCBS.org website for details. Item of note is that Florida State Fair begins first week of February and runs for two weeks.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Kay Klugh, Secretary (draft dated January 24, 2013)