Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
January 12, 2008
Meeting and lunch were hosted by the Seminole Bromeliad and Tropical Plant Society at the Sanford Garden Club Building 200 Fairmont Dr. Sanford, FL.
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jay Thurrott at 1:05 pm. Jay introduced the new officers for the year: Chairman: Jose "Pepe" Donayre; Vice-Chairman: Juan Espinosa-Almodovar; Secretary: Betsy McCrory with Treasurer; Sudi Hipsley continuing as treasurer. Pepe took over the running of the meeting. Pepe thanked Jay and the other officers for their fine service over the last year. All persons present introduced themselves and what society or function they represented.
Karen Andreas, parliamentarian stated that we had a quorum of 11 societies represented. Karen was also asked if she would continue as parliamentarian and she answered yes.
Motion was made by Sara Donayre and seconded by Carolyn Schoenau to accept the minutes from the October 13, 2007 as printed. Motion carried.
Sudi Hipsley, treasurer gave the treasurer’s report. The report will be filed for audit. Sudi reminded all societies that the council dues are now due and payable. The cost is $10 per society and $3 per address of the society’s membership. All dues are past due as of April 1. Remember to include your roster with your dues. Rosters need to be in Excel or Word and sent to both Sudi and Karen Andreas. Do not send a paper roster. Pepe asked Betsy McCrory if she would audit the treasurer’s files and she said yes.
Michael Andreas, Webmaster, reported that he still had lots of pictures to put on the website. There are new additions to the habitat section.
Karen Andreas, Newsletter Editor, reported that she would like to try to get all the old council newsletters posted on the website. If she is missed any she will get an email out with the issues she needs. Karen brought in some of the old newsletters from the societies to give back for their records. She also informed us that she had changed the format for the representatives and societies on the inside cover of the newsletter. Juan Espinosa-Almodovar expressed his appreciation for Karen’s hard work on the three year index that went out in December. Karen always likes to hear feedback on the newsletters. The list of society presidents will be in the February 2008 issue along with dates of upcoming society’s shows.
Dr. Howard Frank, Weevil Project Director, reported an excellent production of puparia. He also reported on the releases of flies in October-December 2007. Dr Frank also reported that funding is erratic and he is looking for different sources for new funding.
Jay Thurrott, BSI Director, reported that the BSI is looking for constructive feedback. Some items were: 1) a need to go back to membership numbers for access to the BSI membership list on the website; 2) a need for more information from the Affiliates Chair; and 3) the website needs to be updated.
Carolyn Schoenau made a motion to continue to fund the Bromeliad Identification Center at Selby Gardens in Sarasota, seconded by Jay Thurrott. Motion carried. A $50 donation will continue to be made every quarter.
Carolyn Schoenau made a motion that the Council fund a full page advertisement for the World Bromeliad Conference in Australia, seconded by Butch Force. Motion carried. Karen Andreas will do the ad and submit to the Council officers for approval. The ad will have the state of Florida with the locations of the different societies on the map.
Karen Andreas went over the Draft for the Rare Plant Auction that she and Betsy McCrory put together. All members of the council received a copy of the draft before the meeting so they could look at it and give their suggestions to the committee. After a lively discussion it was decided to try an early check out among other items. A new draft will be sent out with the suggested changes before the next Council meeting.
Tom Wolfe, 2008 Extravaganza, reported that the Extravaganza will be held at the Sheraton Suites Tampa Airport on August 29-31. The Extravaganza will be entitled "Bromeliad Rainforest Fantasy". Room rates will be $99.00. August 29 Set up Sales and Reception; August 30 Sales, Seminars, Banquet and Auction; August 31 Bus Tours.
It was announced that we still have 39 of the Australian Books.
Announcements: There will be no tour group from San Diego for the World Conference per Jay Thurrott. Tom Wolfe announced that the Florida State Fair will start on February 7 and that his society will be selling plants.
Society representatives gave a report on what is happening at their societies. A full report will be in the February 2008 newsletter.
Next Council meeting will be held on April 12 at the Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Carolyn Schoenau and seconded by Mark Peters. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy McCrory, Secretary