Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
January 12, 2002
Societies Present: Don Nores and Tom Wolfe (BGTB), Eloise Beach, John Boardman and Ed Hall (BSCF), Calandra and Jay Thurott (FECBS), Al Muzzell and Carolyn Schoenau (JGBS), Terrie Bert and Inez Dolatowski (Sarasota), and Nancy Hall and Paula White (Seminole).
Others Present: Peggy and Ted Nuse (Treasurer) , Karen and Michael Andreas (Webmasters), and Barbra Larson and Howard Frank (Weevil Research).
Societies Not Represented: Boca Raton, Broward, BSSF, Caloosahatchee, FWCBS, and Treasure Coast.
Others Present: Jim Pearce and Ron Schoenau.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair Tom Wolfe at 1:02 p.m.
Secretary’s Report: There was no secretary’s report from the last meeting. The new secretary taking office on rotational basis at this meeting is Carolyn Schoenau (JGBS).
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was given by Ted Nuse. FCBS combined report showed a balance of $58, 368.78 as of November 19, 2001. FCBS balance $2,502,38 as of November 19 and Weevil $55,866.40 as of November 12. The Weevil fund had an additional $4,900 added to its balance since date of the report.
Societies who have paid their dues for this year are: BSCF, FECBS, FWCBS and Seminole. All others please note that it is time for you to pay your dues.
The 2001 Extravaganza hosted by the BSCF donated $2,335 to the Weevil fund from its auction proceeds.
BIC Quarterly donation from FCBS: Eloise Beach questioned the amount of the FCBS quarterly donation to BIC that appears in the Standing Rules. This was discussed and decided that the wording was unclear as to the true meaning. Paula White made a motion to change to wording (`Standing Rule #4) "The FCBS should send BIC a $50 donation quarterly subject to quarterly review by the Council." Seconded by Peggy Nuse. No further discussion. Motion unanimously passed.
Treasurer Coast Bromeliad Society: It was brought up that this society may no longer exist. Karen Andreas and Terrie Bert will investigate and see that the web site reflects whatever change might be necessary. NOTE: On January 16, Karen Andreas emailed that she had spoken with Adele King and Adele says that the membership is down but the Treasure Coast society is still viable.
Web Report: Karen Andreas passed out the written Web Report. Highlights are: 1) 81,855 visitors as of January 11, 2002, 2) An information page concerning Bromeliads at Singapore Botanical Gardens has been added, 3) FCBS Bylaws and Standing Rules and many other items have been added to the web site and there have been many contributors of photographs. A question was discussed about whether to include contact information of Officers on web site. It was decided that a short statement will be posted on the Council website that if anyone wishes to contact FCBS Officers, that person can email the web master who will forward the email to the appropriate officer.
FCBS Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2002
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Weevil Report: Barbra Larson distributed a written Weevil Report which included information concerning biological control, seed collection (and seed growers), public outreach programs and grant status. Discussion followed about an upcoming symposium to be held March 2, 2002 in Sebring (see web site for details). Speakers will be Dennis Cathcart, Howard Frank, Barbra Larson and Harry Luther.
One-half of the day will be a field trip to observe native bromeliads. Any balance remaining in the Endangered and Threatened Native Flora Conservation Grants Program will either be spent or a no-cost extension requested prior to the expiration date of August 2002. Such an extension has been requested and awaiting approval. It was confirmed that the FCBS Grants Committee are Nat DeLeon, Ed Hall and Al Muzzell. Karen Andreas and Paula White agreed to work with Barbra Larson on the field guide bromeliad flashcards that will be used during seed collecting this spring so as not to delay publication of the cards. Drafts of other materials produced under the Gulfstream grant will be submitted for approval at future Council meetings before final printing.
Extravaganza Report 2001: Ed Hall reported about the successful Extravaganza hosted by BSCF in 2001. He was appreciative of all the support and volunteer assistance that was received. $17,633 were the total proceeds from the plant sales and the auction netted $2,335. FCBS donated two World Conference 2002 registrations during the Extravaganza.
WBC 2002: Schedule of events was distributed by Tom Wolfe and Hattie Lou Smith’s Update was distributed by the Schoenau’s (in the absence of Hattie Lou Smith).
FCBS dues payments: Eloise Beach felt that the wording for when FCBS dues are due was unclear in the Bylaws, Article IV: Carolyn Schoenau suggested that the wording be changed from "following year" to "current year". The Article would then read: "Dues shall be payable by April 1 for the current year after written notification by the Treasurer." However, since this is a Bylaws change and not a Standing Rule change, it requires a 30-day written notification to the membership prior to this change.
Speakers Roster: Tom Wolfe distributed a roster of speakers. The following suggestions should be added: 1) Jay Thurott – new area code is 386, 2) add the name of Jason Mellica from Sarasota and 3) add Michael Andreas at 321 453 0366 (it was noted that for this speaker, the projector is quite expensive and should be discussed in advance of arrangements).
Rotation of Officers and Rotation of Hosting Societies: Tom Wolfe distributed this. It was noted that Treasure Coast would probably have to be removed from both of these rotations. Tom Wolfe will redo these schedules and distribute again at the next meeting.
Rotation of New Officers: The new officers are Secretary Carolyn Schoenau (JGBS), Co-Chair (FWCBS) and Chair Terrie Bert (Sarasota).
Chair Wolfe turned the meeting over to the new Chair, Terrie Bert. The members present thanked him for his efforts on behalf of FCBS.
FCBS Meetings: At the last meeting, it had been decided to have the FCBS October meeting in conjunction with the Extravaganza. Much discussion followed concerning this change in the rotation schedule. It was decided to table this discussion concerning the October meeting until the next meeting. Discussion then following concerning changing the dates entirely of this group and it was decided to leave the dates as they are presently scheduled.
April Meeting: The April meeting will be held at Selby Gardens on April 13, 2002.
FCBS Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2002
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Society Policy on Speaker Fees: Eloise Beach asked that the representatives state what their policy is concerning speaker honorariums at their clubs.
BGTB Provide a place to sleep Encouraged to sell plants $75 (distance dependent)
BSCF Do not offer Encouraged to sell plants $75 (distance dependent)
BSSF Provide lodging Encouraged to sell plants $125
FECBS No Encouraged to sell plants $50
JGBS Do not offer Encouraged to sell plants $100 + 32 cents per mile
Sarasota Provide a place to sleep Encouraged to sell plants $25-$50
Seminole Provide lodging Encouraged to sell plants $50 (distance dependent)
Some clubs take between 10% and 25% and others forego any percentage of speaker plant sales.
Society Policy on Name Badges: Eloise Beach asked what the Society policy is for providing name badges, both replacements and for new members. The group made the suggestion that the Societies not use pins.
BGTB provides badges free for new members. $3 for replacements.
Calhoosahatchee provides badges free for new members. Cost unknown.
FECBS provides free badges for new members. Replacements cost 75 cents.
GJBS provides no name badges.
Sarasota provides free name badges for new members. Replacements cost $2.75.
Seminole’s policy is in transition. May ask members to pay $4 or $5.
FCBS Societies: Eloise Beach distributed an information sheet about each society in Florida concerning address, contact person, meeting times and places, dues, and show or sale information.
Extravaganza 2002: Jay Thurott gave a brief report on the planning stages for the 2002 Extravaganza that will be hosted by FECBS. The dates are September 6 and 7, 2002 with the rare plant auction on the 7th. It will be held at the Daytona Beach Resort and Conference Center. This property now has a parking garage. More information will follow as details are determined.
Possible Field Guide for Native Epiphytic Plants in Florida: Howard Frank proposed that FCBS might be interested in coordinating an effort to prepare and/or distribute a field guide for native epiphytic plants in Florida. This would include bromeliads, orchids and ferns. He felt that since we will already have the bromeliad flashcards that something might be worked out with both the Orchid Society and Fern Society to assist in sponsoring and/or disseminating this information. Al Muzzell voiced opposition to this proposal.
Karen Andreas and Paula White will work with Howard Frank on the feasibility of a native epiphytic Florida plant field guide and report back at the next Council meeting. It was suggested that Bruce Holst be contacted concerning Selby’s publication of native epiphytic plants in Florida and IFAS needs to be contacted concerning what they might have available. Dr Frank pointed out that there is a retired botany professor that has pictures of all native orchids in Florida.
Upcoming Events: Eloise Beach distributed a summary of upcoming bromeliad events in Florida. 1) Leu Gardens Sale, March 23, 24,(Orlando) 2) May 10-12 Mother’s Day Show (Orlando) and 3) May 15-19 World Bromeliad Conference.
FCBS Minutes
January 12, 2002
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Adjournment: Carolyn Schoenau made the motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by John Boardman. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carolyn Schoenau