Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies


January 11, 2003

Societies present: Ted & Peggy Nuse (FEC); Ken & Tammy Marks (Boca Raton); Tom Wolfe & Don Nores (TB); Theresa Bert & Inez Dolatowski (Sarasota); Mike & Karen Andreas (BSCF); Bob Dalzell & Roland Schnabel (FWCBS); Nat DeLeon (BSSF); Al Muzell& Carolyn Schoenau (Gainesville); Larry Giroux & Stephan Hoppin (Caloosahatchee) and Ed & Nancy Hall (Seminole)

Others Present: Dr. Barbra Larson (University of Florida); Leonard Dolatowski (Sarasota) and Ronald Schoenau (Gainesville).

Societies not represented: BSBC

Call to order: The meeting was called to order by out going chairman Theresa Bert at 1 PM at the home of Don & Helen Nores. The Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay hosted the group.

Introduction: Each representative introduced him or herself.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the October 12, 2002 meeting were approved with minor corrections described verbally and noted to be on the web site.

Treasurer’s Report: Ted Nuse distributed the Treasurer’s Report. He stated the combined accounts total $18,654.36 with $3,500.06 in the Florida Council account. Ted also reported the Treasure Coast Bromeliad Society was reinstated as a member of the FCBS by paying dues. In addition all Societies were put on notice to pay dues by 31 March and submit a roster concurrently. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.

Webmaster’s Report: Michael Andreas distributed the Web Report. As of January 10, 2003, 10,132,146 visitors have come to the site. Mike mentioned the web site server was relocated in a different state. This caused temporary problems.

Editor’s Report: No report was distributed but Inez requested a copy of all rosters sent to Ted Nuse. Also the question was brought up about what to do with the computer from Geoff Johnson? A motion by Bob Dalzell and seconded by Al Muzzell was passed to donate it to charity.

Weevil Report: Dr. Barbra Larson distributed a 3 page detailed report. Barbra also mentioned that additional weevil posters are available and it was seed-collecting time. Be sure to submit names to Barbra for collecting permits. She requested the FCBS establish a price for the bromeliad identification packet. Larry Giroux made a motion to require a $5.00 donation for each packet. Al Muzzell seconded it. It passed. Len Dolatowski asked about the degree of seed germination. Terry asked Barbra to investigate the status of seed germination,

Survey of FCBS Service to Members: Due to health, Karen reported no results to date but promised it would be done by the April meeting. Karen also reported on an investigation into the formation of the Grants Committee under Roberts Rules of Order. Karen concluded our by-laws are vague to non-existent on the subject. The committee was legal and Edward Hall was the Project Manager. He was asked to appoint a committee. He chose Al Muzzell and Nat DeLeon and noted that as FCBS Chairman was an ex-officio member.

Additional Committees: No action was taken on selecting a Chairman of an Education Committee. Terry noted the Vice Chairman, was the Extravaganza Coordinator per FCBS by-laws.

Future Extravaganzas: The 2003 event was still undefined. Roland Schnabel reported that Maureen Frazel indicated BSBC could not host the event. Nat DeLeon said he would investigate BSSF hosting the event at the meeting next week. The 2004 Extravaganza will be hosted by FWCBS and Sarasota will host the 2005 event.

Award of Distinction: Terry indicated that by the start of the meeting there was a revised version on E-Mail. This was driven by the inputs from and others. The committee for the Distinguished Service Award (as everyone preferred to call it) is Terry Bert, Inez Dolatowski, Jay Thurrott, Karen Andreas and Tom Wolfe. After a lengthy discussion several notions were made.

Carolyn Schoenau made a motion for the DSA to be an annual award given to one or more people, seconded by Karen Andreas and passed.

Roland Schnabel made a motion the DSA be called The Carol Johnson DSA, seconded by Bob Dalzell. After some unrelated discussion, Karen Andreas called for the question. The vote passed on the question; then the motion by Roland was also passed.

Larry Giroux made a motion directing the DSA committee to make recommendations for receiving nominations. Carolyn Schoenau seconded the motion and it passed.

The DSA committee said they would revise the criteria to be less rigid.

FCBS 2003 Officers: Upon completing the old business segment of the meeting, Roland Schnabel assumed the chairmanship. The remaining officers for the 2003 year Vice Chairman, Carolyn Schoenau and Secretary, Edward Hall.

New Business:

Carolyn Schoenau requested inputs on the dates of bromeliad shows.

The incoming Chairman selected Roberts Rules of Order for 2003 and asked Karen Andreas to enforce them.

Ton Wolfe received correspondence from Paul Isley regarding a trip this year to Florida in the mid summer to fall time period. Paul is interested in speaking engagements. The price is $150 fee plus B&B. The topic would be a slide presentation on his nursery.

Carried Over: Carried over to the next meeting are l) The appointment of a chairman of an Education Committee and 20 Finalizing the rules for the Carol Johnson Distinguished Service Award.

The next meeting will be April 12th in Broward.

A motion to adjourn was made at 3:35PM by and seconded by Terry Bert.

Respectfully submitted

Edward Hall, Secretary