FCBS Photo Index Database: Database Help

The FCBS Photo Index Database consists of the following fields:


FCBS Photo Index Database: Search Help

You may search on any of the fields in the database or a combination of fields.

If you wish to search for Aechmea species, select Aechmea from the Genus: field and Species from the Species/Cultivar: field.
Alternatively, if you wish to search for Aechmea Cultivars, select Aechmea from the Genus: field and Cultivar from the Species/Cultivar: field.

You may further refine your search by searching for Hybrid Cultivars or Species Cultivars. Just check the appropriate choice in the Taxonomic rank: field. For example, if you wish to search for Aechmea Cultivars that are Species, select Aechmea from the Genus: field, Cultivar from the Species/Cultivar: field and Species from the Taxonomic rank: field.

If you are looking for a particular plant, just enter its name in the Name: field. Case does not matter unless you select "Match Case" from the Search Options at the bottom of the Search form. There is also no need to enter the single quotes ('...') for Cultivar names.

You may search by Hybridizer: to find say all the photos of Billbergia hybrids by Don Beadle.

If you would like to find all the plants that contain say Aechmea orlandiana as either the Seed parent or Pollen parent, enter orlandiana in the Seed parent: and Pollen parent: fields and BE SURE TO SELECT "Match Any" FROM THE SEARCH OPTIONS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEARCH FORM.

If you have questions or comments about this database please email: webmaster@fcbs.org


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