Ten years ago I visited Morro do Chapéu for the first time. I was coming from Chapada Diamantina and heading towards Jacobina. I was just passing by and had only moments to appreciate and explore the beautiful landscape which I did with great pleasure. By the road I did collect samples of a Hohenbergia which, years later, was described as Hohenbergia magnispica. This, dear reader, is the true meaning of beginner's luck! Finding a new species of Bromeliaceae so easily is an unforgettable happening. Needless to say, I have Morro do Chapéu in my heart!
Morro do Chapéu was the first city in the region to install wind turbines. Now it is experiencing problems - including legal - with this new technology.
Over the years I returned other times for very brief periods. Last visit occurred in 2012, when Adroaldo took me to see Ferro Doido, a beautiful ecosystem that I recommend visiting. Shots of this awesome location are included in this presentation. Much is still to be explored.
Billbergia porteana |
Cipo de Sao Joao |
Diversidade |
Diversidade |
Diversidade |
Enchlirium spectabile and Orchidacea |
Enchlirium spectabile |
Enchlirium spectabile |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Ferro Doido |
Fire |
Fire |
Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii |
Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii |
Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii |
Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Hohenbergia magnispina |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Landscape |
Melocactus concinnus |
Melocactus oreas subsp. cremnophilus |
Melocactus oreas subsp. cremnophilus |
Micranthocereus purpureus |
Paroaria coronata |
Pavonia cancellata |
Pilosocereus glaucochrous |
Pilosocereus glaucochrous |
Pilosocereus glaucochrous |
Portulaca hirsutissima |
Portulaca hirsutissima |
Portulaca hirsutissima |
Quero quero (Vanellus chilensis) |
Stephanocereus luetzelburgii |
Sweet home! |
Tillandsia streptocarpa |
Tillandsia streptocarpa |
Turnera |
Urucum (Bixa orellana) |
Urucum (Bixa orellana) |
Vriesea |
Vriesea |
Vriesea |
Vriesea |
Vriesea oligantha or pseudooligantha |
Vriesea oligantha or pseudooligantha |
Vriesea oligantha or pseudooligantha |